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MegaDittos(571) pic

If the goverment mandated that you MUST buy a gun?

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1 point

On a personal level, that'd be really badass, because I've always wanted to own a rifle or a handgun to go shoot at cans and bottles with. But only on a personal level.

But yeah, that'd be like mandating car insurance or health insurance. Man. That'd be so gay if we had to buy those.

Oh. Right.

Hard as it is to seem, since I act like such a lefty, I'm really not for forcing anyone to buy anything. EXCEPT RENEWABLE EN- Arhm.

Side: A touch dickish
1 point

I believe we've discussed this already and this was the verdict reached:

Side: A touch dickish
MegaDittos(571) Disputed
1 point

So you have discussed the fallout such an action would make with lawsuits and liberal screams but when the goverment forces one to buy healthcare or have IRS agents confiscate fines from one's income tax return you have no problems being forced to buy healthcare?

Can you provide a link?

Side: A touch dickish
1 point

Goverment is forcing everyone to buy healthcare or pay a fine. IRS agents have been hired to enforce this mandate and cease fines from individuals income tax returns if proof of healthcare is not shown. The Democrats and liberals are for this measure.

Compare that to the fact if goverment forced every person to buy a gun or face the same fines.

What would the reaction be?

Side: A touch dickish

Plenty of citizens would not follow the mandate. If a person does not like a gun, he is not going to want to own one.

Side: A touch dickish