
Debate Info

Less aggressive. More aggressive.
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:14
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 Less aggressive. (6)
 More aggressive. (1)

Debate Creator

Winklepicker(1021) pic

If those who form the nucleus of this site met in person how would we behave?

Everything else being equal, i.e, rules etc, do you feel we would behave differently if we all met somewhere, such as a private office to discuss the various topics presented for debate? 

Less aggressive.

Side Score: 11

More aggressive.

Side Score: 1
2 points

I don't want a lawsuit.

Unless it comes in pitch black.

Side: Less aggressive.




Side: Less aggressive.

I'd ask for Jolies autograph                                    

Side: Less aggressive.

With the introduction of our personalities, facial expressions, physique, body language, tone and accent of voice etc, I feel those who spend a lot of time scowling at each other's view points would wind their necks in somewhat when seated around a table eye ball to eye ball.

Side: Less aggressive.
1 point

Personally, I doubt I'd act much differently. My manner and effect here is fairly consistent with that of my offline debates and discussions. Collectively, though, I suspect the tone might be at least a little less aggressive.

Side: Less aggressive.

I would accept that you probably would remain your usual, cool, calm and collected self.

Side: Less aggressive.

SaintNow vs. FromWithin jelly wrestling? I'd pay money to not see that

Side: More aggressive.