
Debate Info

Stop using logic bronto Only libs understand this crap
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:11
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 Stop using logic bronto (3)
 Only libs understand this crap (2)

Debate Creator

brontoraptor(28599) pic

If you are born gay, are you born conservative, and if so can we help it?

Seeing you can be "born gay" or "born tran", aren't Conservatives "born Conservative", and if they are, why are Liberals oppressing us and rejecting biological science? If we are "just born this way" and born "thinking this way", then why do Liberals demonize us and tell us to get out of the melting pot? Per liberal definition, isn't that just... bigotry?

Stop using logic bronto

Side Score: 4

Only libs understand this crap

Side Score: 5
1 point

Hello bront:

If you're BORN conservative, then there's a conservative gene that can be FIXED..


Side: Stop using logic bronto
3 points

So being gay can be "fixed"... *

Side: Only libs understand this crap

You see, being born a certain way is only applied when it suits the Liberal agendas.

Otherwise, you are simply an evil Conservative choosing to be evil.

You see, there is no choice when you belong to the Democrat special interest LGBTRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJ groups. If you belong to these politically correct groups, you are born that way and anything you do in life is no longer a choice, but rather just being who you are.

Do you see how it works?

Now if you were born Mexican, Liberals believe you have a God given birth right to illegally come into America.

If you were born with special needs such as Down syndrome, you are considered less than human. Democrats support the right to kill you with late term abortions even though you are a viable life.

It's funny how the Left plays the born that way game.

Side: Stop using logic bronto
1 point

Indeed I can believe you were born conservative, but then somebody should arrest your mom for allowing that stick to get up your butt in the womb.

Side: Stop using logic bronto
2 points

Wait, Democrats are against conservatives getting married? That's news to me.

Side: Only libs understand this crap