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Grenache(6053) pic

If you could have ANYONE for President...?

Current candidates aside, if you could snap your fingers and put any one living American into the Presidency who would it be?  And let's assume with your finger snap they'll say yes and accept the job.  So, who is it?  Do you have a short list to consider?
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2 points

This is only fantasy, and I try to stick to reality, so I haven't thought about it this way before now. But if I could just snap my fingers then a short list might be:

Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg, Colin Powell, Barbara Walters, Oprah Winfrey, Condoleeza Rice.

Granted I'd need to study the political opinions of each of those names more closely.

shaash(434) Clarified
1 point

Why is Bill Gates fit to be President? Running a company is a little different then running a country (@trumpthechump)

Grenache(6053) Clarified
2 points

Great question. In fact each name I listed would have to be thoroughly researched for their positions on all the issues, as well as their experience and temperament.

I think I was reaching for businessmen I'd trust more than Trump. Gates and Bloomberg are examples of real businessmen who build healthy business empires as opposed to Trump who is essentially a money predator.

2 points

Can I have the power to remove members of Congress instead?

Grenache(6053) Disputed
1 point

The only way you can have that power is if you send a totalitarian to the Presidency and then that dictator takes them out for you.

1 point

In that case I would snap my fingers and make myself president. ;)

1 point

What surprises me is the lack of any other nominees for this besides Cartman. Seriously? Hey, even you religious conservatives who usually disagree with me, why aren't you putting forth a church leader, or uber conservative? It's as if you are so consumed with the pro-Trump/anti-Clinton narratives you can't think of anyone else.

