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 If you listen to Hillary, she always panders to her voting blocks, creating division. (25)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

If you listen to Hillary, she always panders to her voting blocks, creating division.

There is always such a stark difference between Democrats and Republicans when we listen to their campaign speeches. When we listen to Hillary & Bernie, it is always about financial classes, skin color, sexual orientation, Gender. It is unbelievable how they constantly divide Americans into their own litte voting blocks.
Do you notice how many times Hillary brings up her LBGT voting block, or Black lives matter, or a Woman's choice over a Baby's life, etc. ? Where is her mention to Blue lives matter? Where is her mention to MAD(mothers against drunk driving)? Where is her mention of ALL lives matter including our most innocent Babies days from birth, or allowing them to die after being born alive from a botched late term abortion.
Now if you are a moderate Muslim or poor person, you will be used in their speeches to paint the Republicans as hating you(complete lie). There are thousands of groups of Americans who never get mentioned in a Democrat's speech. Democrats care for their voting blocks and refuse to care for all Americans. The middle class is used as the Democrat's cash cow for buying votes. We need no lables, nor do we need special mention to certain politically correct groups. We are all Americans!

It truly is sickening the dissention Democrats create and live off. America has come a long ways these past 50 years when it comes to race relations (not perfect but continually getting better). To hear Democrats talk, we are still forcing Black people to the backs of buses. With every election cycle Democrats try to drag us back to the days of race riots. The Left even organizes violence at Republican campaign events to try and push their race bating agendas. They create race riots if a Cop shoots a Black man. No mention when a Cop shoots a white man!

The Repubicans on the other hand speak about lifting up ALL Americans. They speak against those who would do us harm or those illegally trying to break into our nation. There is no pitting one American against another. Even with some of the idiot remarks from Trump, his speeches are most times cherry picked and taken out of context to try and suggest he hates all Muslim Americans. That's the division Democrats keep trying to push.
Stop rewarding divisive politics and elect the person who would protect all Americans regardless your age, gender, sexual orientation, skin color, financial status, etc. The last I knew, we are all Americans and deserve our freedoms with no special mention and no special treatment. We need to reduce the size of Government, get our debt under control, and allow Americans to do what they do best which is creating jobs and lifting the living standards for all Americans.

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The left always divides via color, class, lifestyle choice ect. and then denies it and accuses the right of doing it. Look at how they are accusing Trump of being divisive.

The problem is, whenever you hear some stupid politician speak, you never hear about them using excellent economic theories based on mathematics or problem solving.

You just constantly hear them use nice sounding words and words mimicking common sense in order to appear like they are saying something worthwhile.

Fuck, no democrat says anything worthwhile.

1 point

Republicans think that 47% of the country is unreachable. This is not done by only one party.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
2 points

AS ALWAYS, you totally twist the argument. I'm speaking to a Democrat party that constantly panders to certain groups for their votes. Romney was talking about people of all persuasions who pay no taxes and would not vote for him.

ONE MORE TIME, name the groups of people that Republicans constantly lift up in their speeches to garner their votes.

I never hear a word about skin color, or sexual orientation, or gender, or class, etc. etc.

Cartman(18192) Disputed Banned
2 points

AS ALWAYS, you totally twist the argument. I'm speaking to a Democrat party that constantly panders to certain groups for their votes.

You are ignoring half of the pandering.

Romney was talking about people of all persuasions who pay no taxes and would not vote for him.

He literally created a division.

ONE MORE TIME, name the groups of people that Republicans constantly lift up in their speeches to garner their votes.

People who pay taxes.

or class

The Republicans constantly bring up class.

HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
1 point

Romney was referring to the fact that approximately 47% on each side will vote for their respective party no matter what. It's the 6% in between that each side vies for.

1 point

I can believe that. But then again 99% of all politicians do exactly that whether they'll admit to it or not. And to some extent campaigning in a two party system virtually requires pandering because there's really no other way to appeal to half or all the population of the country other than to try to taylor to their unique voting demands.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

So tell me which groups of people the Republicans give special mention to in their speeches.

1 point

If you listen to Fromwithin, he always panders to yelling and banning .