
Debate Info

Uhh, NO you wouldn't God farts, so man should too
Debate Score:28
Total Votes:30
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 Uhh, NO you wouldn't (12)
 God farts, so man should too (13)

Debate Creator

excon(18262) pic

If you were in charge of designing people, would you design them to pass gas?

Uhh, NO you wouldn't

Side Score: 14

God farts, so man should too

Side Score: 14
1 point

No, I wouldn't, neither would any creator. No creator with any foresight or intelligence would make humans from a convoluted mishmash of protein, trace elements, and water. A creator would have access to far superior materials such as titanium, carbon fibre and make far better brains from silicon.

Therefore there is not the slightest sign that life was created but evolved and became more complicated over a long period of time.

Side: Uhh, NO you wouldn't

We created cars through intelligent design. Guess what... they pass gas..... So if humans don't like that design, they need to quit using it and come up with something else. Good luck.

Side: God farts, so man should too
Atrag(5666) Disputed
2 points

So you're saying that God would have made humans better if he had more knowledge?

Side: Uhh, NO you wouldn't
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Do you Leftist pass gas ? Tell me you Leftist don't have gas LMMFAO !

Side: God farts, so man should too
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Take that known knowledge to Muslims Arag ! See how well it works for you !!!!!!!

Side: God farts, so man should too
1 point

Hello bront:

I don't blame you.. If somebody pointed out a huge flaw in my beliefs, I'd make light of it too..

Look.. You want me to believe in intelligent design.. And, I'd LIKE to because it's such a warm and cozy story..

But, if I was God, and I was designing a person, he'd NEVER shit like animals do.. And, if I HAD to let him shit, I'd CERTAINLY keep procreation and birth as far away from shitting as possible.. Wouldn't you??

You'd LIKE my design.. It's very holy..


Side: God farts, so man should too
2 points

I have always said, God would flunk a civil engineering test, He built the playground too close to the dump! ;-)

Side: God farts, so man should too
1 point

Maybe the human format was designed first and the animals were fashioned after its likeness. (As if it matters)

I don't care what you believe. I simply want to argue with you because I'm bored and I see flaws in your propositions.

Side: Uhh, NO you wouldn't
1 point

And, I'd LIKE to because it's such a warm and cozy story..

So it's "warm and fuzzy" and might even be true... but I don't want it. Makes sense......

Side: Uhh, NO you wouldn't
LichPotato(362) Disputed
1 point

How, exactly, is making an absurd statement such as "if I were God, I'd do things differently" "pointing out a huge flaw in [Creationist] beliefs"? That statement is absurd because God is omniscient, and created people in a particular manner, therefore if you were God you would do exactly the same thing.

Side: Uhh, NO you wouldn't
1 point

But, if I was God, and I was designing a person, he'd NEVER shit like animals do.

Oh? Why not?

Side: Uhh, NO you wouldn't
1 point

And, if I HAD to let him shit, I'd CERTAINLY keep procreation and birth as far away from shitting as possible.. Wouldn't you?

1)Your human would look very strange, I wouldn't want to mate with it, and apparently it would poop out of its face, toes, or Chest.

2)After seeing this model, I would probably go with it out of comfortability and familiarity. Anything else would seem alien.

3)Apparently your human would mate by attaching its head to the female's head. The more I think about it, the less efficient and more bizarre your prototype would be. Perhaps it is best that you do not design them.

Side: Uhh, NO you wouldn't
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

EXCON thought you Progressives believed in Evolution ? Didn't the apes take a dump ? You Progressives get dumber by the minute LMAO !

Side: Uhh, NO you wouldn't
ScarySkeptic(4) Disputed
1 point

Cars pass gas because when they were designed, we had no other way of powering them. It's ridiculous to claim that a supposedly omniscient and omnipotent God would beer physically unable to avoid this.

Side: Uhh, NO you wouldn't
1 point

So your illogical argument for the day is...

If you possess the ability to design in "Way B", but design in "Way A", you obviously do not exist....

Cue crickets...

Side: God farts, so man should too
1 point

I don't think you could get rid of it. It comes as a part of digestion so if you wanted people to not be able to pass gas, then you would have to find a different way for humans to get their energy

Side: God farts, so man should too
ScarySkeptic(4) Disputed
1 point

If God is omniscient and omnipotent as he is claimed to be, these laws mean nothing. From a classically theistic view, there's no reason he couldn't design a human without the need to obey the biological laws that HE put into place. To claim that an omniscient God is restricted by his own biological laws is frankly nonsense.

Side: Uhh, NO you wouldn't
luckin(175) Clarified
1 point

I never said anything about God. A couple things. If God could create people without the need to obey biological laws, either why make anything biological or why make biological laws? What would be the point of creating something biological if it wasn't subject to biological law?

Side: Uhh, NO you wouldn't
1 point

Absolutely. The trick is to design the human nose so the smell of human gas is not offensive to it. How hard could that be - for a god? A really smart god would make a nice pot pourri come out.

Side: God farts, so man should too
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Hello Moderate are Cow Farts not pushing the escalation of Climate Change ? Your Progressive cohorts see it that way !

Side: Uhh, NO you wouldn't
Grenache(6053) Clarified
2 points

You forget that the initial debate was about if we were god designing people. If we were god we could just design it so people and human farts don't contribute to global warming.

Unless you're saying no god could be all powerful. Is that what you're saying?

Side: Uhh, NO you wouldn't
1 point

When we eat, drink or swallow saliva, we also swallow tiny amounts of air. This swallowed air accumulates in the gut. The gas within our digestive system consists mainly of nitrogen and oxygen. When we digest food, gas, mainly in the form of hydrogen, methane and carbon dioxide is released. I don't think we really have a choice.

Side: God farts, so man should too
1 point

excon how are you going to keep cow farts from adding to Climate Change ? Is a tax going to fix it ?

Side: God farts, so man should too
1 point

What about Bear farts , Moose farts and the beloved Polar bear farts i mean what is the government going to do to curb their effect on Climate Change ?

Side: God farts, so man should too
1 point

Then you got Horse farts,Goat farts,Pig farts,Sheep farts,Lamb farts what is the solution to all the farts that escalate Climate Change ?

Side: God farts, so man should too