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TeenPassion(281) pic

Is Marriage Necessary?


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 2
2 points

To live, no. To become married, yes. Hope that neatly answers your question :)

Side: Yes

It will come in time that you will fall in love with someone and don't want that person to be with anyone else.

Side: Yes

Necessary? Absolutely not.

Beneficial? Absolutely yes .

Side: No
joecavalry(40130) Clarified
1 point

Beneficial until you get a divorce..., then it's ass pounding time on your ass ;)

Side: Yes
shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

I didn't mean it that way. It is beneficial if your partner dies or is in a major accident. If he is in a major accident, and ends up unconscious in the hospital, you will not be allowed to see her, because according to law, a boyfriend or girlfriend is not family, and only family is allowed to visit the patient.

If he dies unexpectedly, unless he made a will for you, you are not inheriting anything from him. NOT even the house you live him, if he is the legal owner, not even if you helped pay for the house, the people inheriting his house can legally kick you out, because if he is the legal owner, and your just .. a partner .. yeah. They can easily and legally kick you out.

It has also it financial finances, but I'm not gonna say anything about this, since I don't know very much about it :)

Side: Yes
1 point

Ideally? No.

But due to tax burdens and harsh government regulations, it's been made necessary.

The hand that feeds is also holding you away from the food source.

Side: No