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It's healthy! No, it's unhealthy!
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:16
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 It's healthy! (7)
 No, it's unhealthy! (3)

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14giraffes(87) pic

Is Religion/Spirituality Healthy?

Will it land you in an insane asylum?

It's healthy!

Side Score: 10

No, it's unhealthy!

Side Score: 4

Religion is healthy in that hope and charity are bestowed to an individual. Religion is healthy when someone who has succumbed to a life of crime is redeemed.

But to be adversarial, Religion is not healthy when it calls for the execution of certain individuals or groups. Religion is not healthy when bigotry is exhibited.

Side: It's healthy!
1 point

If you refer to 'religion,' then you can't pick and choose what sections of religion are good. Basically what you're saying is that bestowing hope and charity to an individual is good and redeeming a criminal is good, while bigotry is bad. Unfortunately, that doesn't make a point about religion. Religion includes both of these. Does one overpower the other? That's the question at hand.

But then again, you don't seem very interested in actually thinking about topics.

Side: No, it's unhealthy!
1 point

The argument that religious practices could land practitioners in the asylum has been discredited by a growing body of scientific data. Research indicates that religious practices are firmly on the side of health and well-being,

"There is overwhelming research evidence that people can live longer if they actively engage in formal religious activities and follow their faith's behavioral prescriptions."

This research includes contrasts between those who pray with those who don't,

"The relationship between prayer and health has been the subject of scores of double-blind studies over the past four decades."

Similarly also involving eastern meditation practices,

"Studies show that meditation is associated with improvement in a variety of psychological areas, including stress, anxiety, addiction, depression, eating disorders and cognitive function, among others."

Those interested should check out the college course available by the Great Courses Series titled The Spiritual Brain by Prof. Andrew Newberg.

Supporting Evidence: Gallup: Very Religious Americans Lead Healthier Lives (
Side: It's healthy!
3 points

"most dramatic health benefits of religious observance involve faiths that require adherence to positive lifestyle behaviors."

It has nothing to do with religion. It only works if the religion promotes a healthy lifestyle. Religion is not inherently healthy.

Side: It's healthy!
14giraffes(87) Clarified
1 point

I agree though in so far as religion can be detached from healthy lifestyle. Religion essentially is a lifestyle/belief system. Like I wouldn't support cannibalism as a healthy thing to do, nor beating yourself up because of a concept of Sin and guilt. That these studies find the practices of religion such as prayer and worship to be healthy activities is significant in my view because it could have pointed to the opposite conclusion which atheists have in the past argued.

Side: It's healthy!
1 point

Faith and belief is healthy, having a positive mental attitude is healthy even denial can sometimes be healthy. No matter what the object whether it is faith in religion, faith in ourselves, in humanity, or whatever with good intention it is healthy.

Side: It's healthy!

I believe so. There may be a case by case basis for it since not all beliefs are deemed as good in the public eye. For the most part I will say yes.

Side: It's healthy!

I think Religion is healthy... Right? I have no evidence but I will just support it..

Side: It's healthy!
2 points

Religion is usually an excuse to go to war such as the crusades, or what's happening in the middle-east.

Side: No, it's unhealthy!
14giraffes(87) Disputed
1 point

There are mostly political and logical motives behind those decisions. But religion does grant a lot of energy in the face of death, which can be used positive or negative.

Side: It's healthy!
1 point

I'm simply posting here because no one else has, but it could go either way. Religion is a way to bring people together and make people feel safe and guided in the right path. However, religion is also the source of many problems in this world. I can't say I'm surprised though. Great things always come with an equal or opposite price.

Side: No, it's unhealthy!