
Debate Info

It's ass whoopin' time! No. Never.
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:9
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 It's ass whoopin' time! (4)
 No. Never. (2)

Debate Creator

TyTheTiger(104) pic

Is Violence Ever the Answer

Well, is it?

It's ass whoopin' time!

Side Score: 5

No. Never.

Side Score: 3
2 points

Yes it depends on the circumstances.

Violence should always be the final course of action - when all else fails.

It should always be held as the last rather than the first option.

Side: It's ass whoopin' time!
1 point

It really depends on the cirsmstances. For instance if someone were to hurt my grandmother phisically, out of anger and so much more i would be driven to act vilently. During certain circumstances it's really hard to be the bigger person, and you want the person who caused you pain, to feel that same emotion as well.

Side: It's ass whoopin' time!
1 point

Although this is how animals settle their debates, it doesn't mean people should.

Whats the point in getting hurt and hurting others over some silly argument? We are the evolved ones!

Side: No. Never.
Kinda(1649) Disputed
1 point

Really? THAT is your argument against violence? Because animals do it we shouldn't?

So if an army of 1million people are about to invade your country no matter what you do you should just sit there and let everyone get slaughtered, raped, murdered etc?


Side: It's ass whoopin' time!

If somebody were to hurt, or had already hurt, me or my family I would kill them (depending on the severity they hurt my relative) and never give it a second thought. That is also my argument for torture: if in the long run, it'll save countless lives, than what is some pain to the other person.

Side: It's ass whoopin' time!

Violence doesn't solve anything. Violence only causes misery and destruction.

Side: No. Never.