
Debate Info

Not very creative near the end You're nuts!
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:14
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 Not very creative near the end (6)
 You're nuts! (5)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Is W just an upside down M or am I going crazy?

Not very creative near the end

Side Score: 7

You're nuts!

Side Score: 7

Trying to stay relevant in the weekly leader board ;)

Side: Not very creative near the end
1 point

What Leader Board? It seems to be missing.

Side: Not very creative near the end
1 point

Don't worry, I've launched a full investigation into this. The lemmings will be producing results soon.

Side: Not very creative near the end
1 point

Don't worry, I've launched a full investigation into this. The lemmings will be producing results soon.

Side: Not very creative near the end
1 point

W technically is just an upside down M, or M is an upside down W.

Either way, I guess whoever made the English alphabet wasn't feeling too creative.

Side: Not very creative near the end
1 point

Obvious troll is obvious.

Side: You're nuts!
1 point

Speaking of trolls.... where the hell have ya been Chaffy?

Side: You're nuts!
Chaffy(154) Clarified
3 points

Being President means that I have other duties than talking to you serfs.

Side: Not very creative near the end
1 point

Better question is why is W spelled as "double U" instead of "double V" ....

Side: You're nuts!
Elvira(3441) Disputed
1 point

Maybe because it was originally written that way?

Side: Not very creative near the end
thousandin1(1931) Clarified
1 point

It comes from handwriting/cursive; in handwritten english the lower case w looks very much like a letter u with a double trough (as opposed to literally 2 u's, which would look significantly difficult. Difficult to explain this way, some handy images would be very helpful).

Right now, handwriting/cursive is a rarity, with print being the standard. This was not always the case; for most of the history of the english language, handwriting/cursive was the standard, with print relegated to tasks that demanded simplicity in execution, eg. engraving. I expect it'd be a bitch to engrave stone in cursive...

Side: Not very creative near the end

thats like saying your anus is a vagina, despite all the dicks it receives

Side: You're nuts!

Can you not come up with your own jokes?

Side: You're nuts!