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Debate Score:23
Total Votes:23
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 YES (9)
 NO (8)

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PrayerFails(11139) pic

Is government effective and efficiency at providing any of its supposed services


Side Score: 14


Side Score: 9
4 points

Government has historically provided effective services like:








The degree of effectiveness varies between nations, but most would agree that they all have historically passed as effective in at least some nations.

Side: yes

Not all, but some. The DOT, police department, fire department, etc., in my area, are working and providing services that help the public.

Side: yes

Just one and that is the postal service. It operates as an entity of its own, without interference from the rest of the government. However it is the only exception to the rule. On everything else the government is highly ineffective. The pentagon isn't even accountable for its own spending, they simple label it as classified.

Side: yes
1 point

For some reason, I wish I could do that with my taxes. :)

Side: yes
2 points

The biggest myth in soceity is that government can provide services at lower costs. This is simply untrue.

Side: No

No, the government can't even spend the our money efficiently. Government is slow and extremely clumsy with the public's money; thus, it is highly ineffective particularly of its services.

Side: No
aveskde(1935) Disputed
3 points

the government can't even spend the our money inefficiently.

If it can't spend money inefficiently, then what is your argument?

Side: yes
1 point

Well, it was a typo.

The government is incapable of spending our money efficiently because government always spends wastefully due to its monopolistic nature.

Government spends money as if it is a free lunch, therefore, waste is high.

Since government spends on other people, the government isn't careful on how it spends money. Thus, it is slow, inept and clumsy. The worst type of spending money is spending someone's else money on someone else or on yourself.

The greatest example is public school, it is the most ineffective and wasteful government spending, and it falls into as the worst type of spending money.

Spend Money

Side: No

I have not seen any services provided effectively by the government for a long time.

Side: No
1 point

Goverment has no true competition because it does not have to operate at a profit and therefore it is not as efficient. Some services are effective but costs are way too high.

Side: No