
Debate Info

Yes it is No it's not
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:3
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 Yes it is (1)
 No it's not (1)

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ruleitout(3) pic

Is human activity the primary cause of the recent spike in global temperature?

Be sure to source every questionable fact that is brought up. This applies to both sides.

Yes it is

Side Score: 1

No it's not

Side Score: 1
0 points

Whether it's the primary cause or not is somewhat of a red herring. It doesn't need to be the primary cause to irreversibly damage the planet. The fact of the matter is that there is no debate about this; not outside America at any rate. All the science points in the same direction. We should not debate things which are scientifically conclusive because that's pointless. What we should instead do is investigate the reasons why these scientific facts are being distorted and question the motives of those responsible. I would wager that if this were actually done it wouldn't take long to figure out that the tip of the capitalist pyramid is heavily invested in non-renewable energy and has long term commitments which it cannot simply walk away from. That is the predominant reason why there is a climate change debate in America: because a small number of extremely powerful people want there to be one.

Side: Yes it is
1 point

Is human activity the primary cause of the recent spike in global temperature?

Hello, r:

I dunno, and that's the wrong question.. The right question is what do we DO about it, no matter WHAT'S causing it.. So, I'll answer that one.. It's easier..

In time, we're gonna run out of oil.. Therefore, we're gonna HAVE to develop a sustainable source of energy sooner or later. I choose NOW. Why wait until gasoline is $29/gal?

If solving our energy problems has the additional benefit of solving the global warming problem, we get a twofer.

Do I think we can DO it??? That isn't the right question either.. The right question is, WHEN are we gonna start?


Side: No it's not