
Debate Info

That'd be so cool Yeeaaa, no!
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:16
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 That'd be so cool (7)
 Yeeaaa, no! (6)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40131) pic

That'd be so cool

Side Score: 8

Yeeaaa, no!

Side Score: 8

A saber-toothed cat? It would be neat to see one of those. ;)

Side: That'd be so cool
1 point

Yeah! Let's bring back the giant beaver! :D

Side: That'd be so cool

I've always been partial to beavers. Especially shaved ones ;)

Side: That'd be so cool
1 point

We've made so many extinct already, and it's great that we have the technology to attempt to undo what we've done.

Side: That'd be so cool

I'm really excited about the possibility of bringing some of those animals back. I was really depressed at never having had the change to find out what they taste like and now there's hope ;)

Side: That'd be so cool
1 point

I highly doubt we could ever truly develop a new species.

We need genetic variety and the ability for the creature to breed on its own.

This cannot be done without "making" over 2000 different mammoths or saber-tooth tigers.

It's a good idea for a zoo, so people can see what they were like, but when it comes down to it, these species are extinct. They're a dead end. Doomed.

Side: That'd be so cool
1 point

Absolutely. I'd love to wear a wooly mammoth sweater. But I think we would need to be very careful not to disrupt existing ecosystems. We should regulate them closely and only bring back those that are easy to control. But, yeah, if we create 50 or so mammoths, sheer them for their wool every summer, sell the sweaters (who wouldn't want one of these?!), they'd pay for themselves!

Side: That'd be so cool
2 points

No that would disrupt the food chain, and interrupting something as vast as the food chain will impact the environment in many ways.

Side: Yeeaaa, no!

Please read the article. It says that bringing back the Mammoth would be good for the Russian Tundra.

Side: Yeeaaa, no!
1 point

overall it is not, but some specified species i'm sure would be fine to bring back, but for the majority of them i disagree.

Side: Yeeaaa, no!

Not only for the danger that could be caused, but for the ethical reason. If the species died on it's own it'd be as unnatural as cloning to bring it back to life. Their also the issue of limited energy and matter on earth. The creatures we brought back would be taking from the supply we have, and got back from their dying.

Also, there is the effect it would have on the climate and habitat. If the creature has been long dead, life has adapted to living without it, when it's brought back it will be taking food away from some species in the area, or providing new game for a larger species to hunt, leaving the species that the larger species originally hunted, to flourish and over populate.

Side: Yeeaaa, no!

Good intentions with unintended consequences I would imagine.

Side: Yeeaaa, no!