
Debate Info

Better to be a leader Better to be a boss
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:14
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 Better to be a leader (7)
 Better to be a boss (2)

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KRTerez1232(42) pic

Is it better to be a leader or a boss?

Better to be a leader

Side Score: 11

Better to be a boss

Side Score: 2
2 points

The term 'boss' has negative connotations associated with it. When I hear the term 'boss', I think about Vito Corleone and the like. 'Leader' can be construed as one in a position of respect and admiration.

Side: Better to be a leader
2 points

You can be both a boss and a leader, in fact a leader is useless without the ability to be a boss and a boss wouldn't be so good without leadership qualities. If I had to choose I'd be a leader.

Side: Both

A boss is just some jackass that you have to listen to while a leader is inspiring.

Side: Better to be a leader
1 point

Hell yes! Up vote! :D

Side: Better to be a leader
1 point

It just all depends on the actual person who is the leader or the boss

Side: Better to be a leader
1 point

A boss is too firm a title. I like the term leader better. Also a leader teaches where a boss just stands for power.

Side: Better to be a leader
1 point

A leader inspires the community and benefits humanity as a whole. A boss is a pretentious dickhead with a god complex.

Side: Better to be a leader
1 point

Better to be a boss because you can push people around and get things done faster.

Side: Better to be a boss

I will say the Boss because he or she is the ultimate decider and authoritarian.

Side: Better to be a boss