
Debate Info

Of course Impossible
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Of course (1)
 Impossible (3)

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pancake(143) pic

Is it possible to simply prefer Apple products over others without being a fanboy?

Of course

Side Score: 1


Side Score: 3
1 point

Well they are sleek, efficient, trademarked, and iconic symbols of teenage lives. So there are valid reasons for preferring Steve Job's possibly evil, but irresistible pieces of technological heaven. As a bonus, they look great against any outfit!

Side: Of course
pancake(143) Disputed
1 point

Well they are sleek, efficient, trademarked, and iconic symbols of teenage lives. So there are valid reasons for preferring Steve Job's possibly evil, but irresistible pieces of technological heaven. As a bonus, they look great against any outfit!

I call fanboy! :P

Side: Impossible
1 point

It's never just a preference. It's always a diehard, mindless dedication... I'm not hating tho. :P

Side: Impossible

If you like Apple products, you are a fan so you cannot take your allegiance away.

Side: Impossible