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Debate Score:11
Total Votes:15
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FactLord(149) pic

Is our medical system corrupt?


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 4
2 points

It is THE most expensive system in the world, it ranks below nearly 40 other countries systems. Our life expectancy is FAR below many other countries and our infant-death-after-live-birth, last I checked, was nothing less than a secondary, ignored, late abortion practice! (174th out of 193 countries!) Yes, it IS corrupt and getting WORSE under capitalist control! Big Pharma, Big Insurance, and the fact that our laws relish in the ability to overcharge WE, the PEOPLE …. whenever possible. CONTROL … it fits capitalists.

Every socialistic medicine, industrialized country ranks above U.S!

I'm sure I'll get a lot of youtube and facebook stats that deny this, but, the CIA AND WHO are not driven by agenda, they are driven by FACTS and statistics, the NON - alternate, conservative ones.

Side: Yes
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