
Debate Info

Yes, it is bad for our economy No, it is good for our economy
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Yes, it is bad for our economy (2)
 No, it is good for our economy (1)

Debate Creator

13dforster(7) pic

Is outsourcing jobs from the United States bad for the economy?

There are mixed oppinions about whether outsourcing jobs is good for the American economy. I want to see what other people's perspective is on this. Some say it is a benefit and outsourcing has the ability to create jobs in the United States. Others say that it is bad for the economy and losses jobs for the United States. So here is your chance to express your oppinion on this topic. 

Yes, it is bad for our economy

Side Score: 2

No, it is good for our economy

Side Score: 1

Employees lose their jobs from outsourcing just because some company finds works abroad who can do the job for less money.

Side: Yes, it is bad for our economy
1 point

Outsourcing means that not only will jobs be lost but the skills associated with any particular craft or profession will also go.

The tax revenue will be paid into the coffers of the host nation's government while the USA loses out.

While outsourcing may have some short term benefits, profit wise, long/medium term we lose;-

Jobs, skills and tax revenue.

Manufactures should be making an investment in training and improving the capability of the nation's workforce to meet their requirements and not taking the short term option of exporting jobs.

Side: Yes, it is bad for our economy
1 point

No doubt, Outsourcing is good for economy in most of the cases. It helps companies especially US to reduce their operational costs and helps them improving their proficiency along with reduction in highly payable resources. Many businesses have found outsourcing their call centers a necessary decision. However, it's a known fact that outsourcing call center in Australia is a controversial issue, especially with the western countries.

Side: No, it is good for our economy