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Keep order Too much order and fear
Debate Score:4
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 Too much order and fear (4)

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Is police brutality a necessary evil?

Debate time: is police brutality at times a necessary evil? 
I say yes.
 And here is why: 

a man once said this "ABSOLUTELY ......... as I have been incarcerated & seen some very brutal acts of violence by fellow inmates, I must say yes to ur question ... however, not a necessity on the majority of people .... only to some who simply have no regard for life or others ..........."

It worries me that all police are being deemed evil when it comes to all brutality situations. I'm not talking about Philando. No. I'm talking about the people that in their path of destruction of VIOLENCE AND GREED while being hunted..once what you will to get them in the car. I think in some situations like child abuse or animal abuse cases I would have a hard time not making those hand cuffs hurt. And you people know this. How many posts go viral of abuse and they get (rightfully so) threats. But when the necessary evil happens...... people don't look at why the brutality took place most of the time. Again majority of people do NOT need brutality. But also the police cannot cater to psychopaths when evidence is OBVIOUS.

Keep order

Side Score: 0

Too much order and fear

Side Score: 4
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1 point

Hello Two:

We KNOW that if you poke a tiger with a sharp stick through the bars of his cage, we'd better not EVER let him out..

Then we DO that to PEOPLE, keep them a while, and then LET THEM OUT...

Makes NO sense to me..


Side: Too much order and fear
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

Thanks for the info CON i didn't know police brutality was necessary for tigers.

Side: Keep order
1 point

I'm sure there are times and places and scenarios where brutality is completely definsible.

But I'm also sure 3/4 of the time when we see these stories they could have turned out differently, so basically 3/4 of the time it really was not necessary.

Side: Too much order and fear
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

I am so glad that you are so informed of the number of cases referred to as 3/4 of the time it is not necessary. Did you dream that number up when you were changing diapers ?

Side: Keep order
1 point

Police brutality is defined as the use of excessive violence and so it can't be a necessary evil. Whatever violence is necessary to subdue the suspect isn't technically police brutality.

Side: Too much order and fear
1 point

The police should be reasonable not brutal. People shouldn't be treated unfairly.

Side: Too much order and fear