
Debate Info

Yes, it's a real Lapras! No, it's a dinosaur!
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:9
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 Yes, it's a real Lapras! (2)
 No, it's a dinosaur! (1)

Debate Creator

lolololfail(11) pic

Is the Loch Ness monster really a Lapras?

Due to extremely similar natures, minus the human/sheep eating nature of the monster, what do you think?

Yes, it's a real Lapras!

Side Score: 3

No, it's a dinosaur!

Side Score: 5
2 points

It Is! the uncacnny similarities between the two; long neck, amphibian flippers, humped back... and i believe many photos of the loch ness monsters are blurry and unclear, leaving room for whether the loch ness monster is actually lapras. the smilarities are too many to be debated.

Side: Yes, it's a real Lapras!

as far as i recall.....we have no indication that its a donosaur. BUT!!!!! you can see the long neck and the darkish bluish figurine. and the torso isnt above because its too heavy because of umm....the shell?!!? laprases have shells....laprases are bluish.....laprases havehave long necks.....laprases can swim.....therefore!!!! the loch ness monster is indeed a lapras

Side: Yes, it's a real Lapras!
4 points

The Pokedex gives the definition of a Lapras as a "transport Pokemon". This is somewhat vague, so I have decided to draw some research from Bulbapedia. It states that Lapras resembles a "plesiosaur", which is a carnivorous dinosaur. This implies that Lapras is in fact a dinosaur.

It is not hard to see why Lapras may be confused with a Loch Ness monster. They are extremely rare, much like the legendary Loch Ness monster. However, it has been clarified that its elusive nature is due to hunting, which has caused its population to diminish greatly. You can still find them in secluded areas in Kanto and Johto. I urge all of you to cease misunderstanding.

Side: No, it's a dinosaur!