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RSS Yh9292

Reward Points:3
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4 most recent arguments.
3 points

Pokemon is a very valid religion. The progress made in recent Pokemon versions (see: Pokemon Platinum version) have revealed the presence of new Pokemon gods. Arceus created the Pokemon world, Dialga and Palkia control time and space, and Giratina even controls antimatter. I understand if some people cannot find the heart to believe Giratina exists, as it dwells only in the Distortion World (another dimension of the Pokemon world). But given the conclusive evidence presented in the Pokemon games, there is no reason to distrust Pokemon as a religion. Gods exist, have faith in Arceus!

2 points


The north american forests are INSIDE the Pokemon world. We all live in the Pokemon world.

4 points

To determine whether Big Foot is actually Snorlax, it is necessary to first define what we understand by the term "Big Foot".

Reports from sightings of Big Foot have indicated that is is "a large hairy ape-like creature, ranging between 6–10 feet (2–3 m) tall, weighing in excess of 500 pounds (230 kg), and covered in dark brown or dark reddish hair".

According to Bulbapedia, Snorlax has a height of 2.1 m and 460 kg. This puts it in the same height range as a Big Foot but double the weight. However, I believe this discrepancy may be explained by the uncontrolled eating habits of Snorlax, which can be seen from its unruly eating in the Pokemon TV show. In one episode where Ash won a cycling competition, Snorlax ate up ALL of the food given as a prize! Such a trend implies that Snorlax is actually Big Foot, whose long estrangement from humanity has caused it to become clinically depressed and induced it to turn to food as a relief. It is hence very likely that Snorlax and Big Foot are the same creatures.

4 points

The Pokedex gives the definition of a Lapras as a "transport Pokemon". This is somewhat vague, so I have decided to draw some research from Bulbapedia. It states that Lapras resembles a "plesiosaur", which is a carnivorous dinosaur. This implies that Lapras is in fact a dinosaur.

It is not hard to see why Lapras may be confused with a Loch Ness monster. They are extremely rare, much like the legendary Loch Ness monster. However, it has been clarified that its elusive nature is due to hunting, which has caused its population to diminish greatly. You can still find them in secluded areas in Kanto and Johto. I urge all of you to cease misunderstanding.

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