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Debate Score:10
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Foxglove(205) pic

Is the criticism surrounding President Obama justified?

The terrorist attacks in Brussels is perhaps the most prevailing subject matter across the media currently, but what also seems to be raising eyebrows and gathering much censure is the behaviour of President Obama in light of this.

 Whilst in Argentina, his speech mentioned that "defeating ISIS is his number one priority", despite the fact that he has "a lot of things on his plate". Nevertheless, he has come under fire in regard to his activities in the wake of these atrocities (e.g. attending a baseball game, dancing the tango) and ignoring calls to cut short his visit and return.

In my view Obama’s actions and his words seem irreconcilable, but still what do you think: would you say that his focus/ attention is in the right place or does he have his priorities wrong?

*Please respect this space by refraining from insults or else you will be banned from this debate. Thank you.


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 6
1 point

All criticism of any sitting President is valid to express.

With that said, if put in comparison to what many other Presidents said or did in office, Obama is not nearly as controversial or terrible as his worst critics try to make the world believe. And that level of all out witch hunt is partly why questions of racism and all out conspiracy come about instead of the world being able to have an open and honest conversation about him.

Side: Yes
Foxglove(205) Clarified
1 point

Perhaps he may be in danger of becoming so. The biggest threat the US (and the West generally) face is terrorism and Obama’s stance on the issue (if one even listens to his speeches) seems almost passive. I agree that Obama’s entrance into the White House was met with much opposition from the Republicans which was clearly of a prejudicial nature. However, even if that is still the case, he is not helping himself by his responses to the current affairs. ISIS have metastasized rather than diminished and there barely seems to be a concrete strategy in place. Do you not feel there is a lack of clear direction here?

Side: Yes
IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
1 point

Why do you believe the biggest threat facing either the US or the west is terrorism, out of curiosity?

Side: Yes
AlofRI(3294) Disputed
1 point

China, N. Korea, Putin are STILL the biggest threats facing us. After that comes Radical Conservatism, which would destroy us from within and turn us into a country we have never been! A hated country driven by a single religion .... like Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan!

Side: No
0 points

Anything is justifiable.

Side: Yes
1 point

He has come under fire in the wake of anything that happens. He came under fire BEFORE anything happened!

Take a few moments to go to the blog: and look at the list of 350+ good things he has done. (Nah, you wouldn't "cut the crap" anyway)!

Side: No
Foxglove(205) Clarified
1 point

Your point would be far more effective if you referenced an actual website detailing Obama’s achievements. Nevertheless, that is not to say that critique of his negative movements should be dismissed as “crap that needs to be cut” – especially when it concerns national security.

Side: Yes
1 point

He has done a good job on national security, FAR better than the last Republican Admin. Remember 9/11? We lost cvert q thousand people, then, to get revenge, we lost another 5000! Osama bi Laden laughed all the way to his watery grave! Then Bush made a treaty with the idiot he put in place in Iraq saying all Americans would be out of the country at a certain date, NOT Obama's doing! The "idiot" he put in place discharged Sadaam's army, told them to "shit & Git!", let them take their weapons with them .... they became ISIS!

"Cutthecrap"! The most truthful remark Trump made was that Jeb's brother DID NOT "keep the country safe" like Obama has! He did not have the respect at the end of his term (of the rest of the world) that Obama has. Having the respect of conservatives would be a joke!

Side: No

I'm not sure what people wanted him to do. He is dropping bombs on them so heavily and constantly that we are running out of bombs. 05/us-air-force-will-need-more-bombs-for-isis.html

Side: No