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 Is there evidence for God? (11)

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Doherty95(299) pic

Is there evidence for God?

Some religious people claim that the have evidence for God, I have never heard any evidence for a God and was wanted to hear this evidence they say they have and let others have the chance to respond to the arguments.

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Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
3 points

well the fact that there are 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000+ planets in the universe pretty much refutes that.

plus the article forgot to compare that to the chances of an all power all knowing all present deity existing which is about 1 in infinity,,

Elvira(3446) Clarified
2 points

Everything has a very narrow probability if you look at it like that.

Doherty95(299) Disputed
1 point

The main problem I see with this, is that they are not all independent. Ross gives the probabilities of 0.1 or 0.01 and so on, but these probabilities appear to be involving every galaxy, once you rule out ten per cent, the other probabilities will change. An example can be used with salts in solutions. There are a lot of solutions and in 0.1 of them salt A the probabilities of finding salt B and C in a solution are the same.

Salt Probability

A 0.1

B 0.1

C 0.1

The probability of finding all three, by using the same method as it appears Hugh Ross is using, would give you 0.001. It could be however in every solution you find salt A , salt B is found and in half of them salt C is found. That is why the probabilities Hugh Ross gives should be looked at sceptically.

Looking at this list , I am unsure what the probability is supposed to show. If it is supposed to show, the probability of life arising, there are a lot of unnecessary parameters, one being as it mentions intelligent life. This point alone makes me think he isn't talking about life originating.

In the early atmosphere it is thought that there was no free oxygen, this would mean there was no ozone layer, so when a few of the parameters involve the amount of ozone, it also makes me think he cannot be talking about the origin of life.

Also looking through the list, there are a few on the levels of certain gases in the atmosphere. One being the oxygen another being carbon dioxide, these have been changed because of life on this planet. So if he is talking about things once life has been here, then they are irrelevant.

Another thing he mentions is the oxygen-nitrogen ratio in the atmosphere. This has changed throughout history. Also in the early atmosphere because there wouldn't of been free oxygen, so whatever he is arguing, it seems it would be irrelevant.

The first point would be enough to look sceptically on the probabilities, but considering it appears that there are some irrelevant probabilities for if he was arguing about the probability of life originating. It would appear that his conclusions can't be trusted. If you feel any of my points are wrong please respond to correct me.

Doherty95(299) Clarified
1 point

This is effectively the same objections as I posted on the other debate. Seeing as they haven't been disputed yet and this is the same link, I thought that they would also be useful on this debate, so anyone who sees your post can see some objections or someone can object to the points I have made.

1 point

Which God? There are thousands. .

Doherty95(299) Clarified
1 point

When I made it, I was mostly thinking about the Judeo-Christian God, because that is the God most people believe in. However, this question could extend to any God, if someone wants to provide any evidence of their God's existence.

1 point

Based on your profile picture, I'll hazard a guess you're not really in to creationism..?!

Doherty95(299) Clarified
1 point

You would be correct aha, I'm not going to lie, I find it ridiculous.

1 point

No need to lie, I find it equally, or perhaps even more ridiculous :) Creationism that is. How people can be so blinkered.....

trumpet_guy(503) Clarified
1 point

Oh look, you don't need to! Genesis accounts and big bang theories line up!

1 point

I could find some for a god, but I'm on ghosts at the moment. In two years, maybe.

-1 points

Yes. God exists. The Bible is correct. Compare Bible facts with facts you learn in school. Example: The Garden of Eden has the Tigris and Euphrates River running through it... The fertile crescent nowadays does. Hmm... FERTILE CRESCENT, GARDEN OF EDEN. Hello. And the other facts also. But there are so many. There's proof for so much of it. I wish I could point out every single one of them but there is just so much. Nebuchadnezzar, Caesar, etc. It is all RIGHT THERE

Jungelson(3959) Disputed
1 point

Oh, that's sad. Because you won't allow anyone to contradict you, yet I could just as easily say similar things as to why God Doesn't exist. But you would refute that with the shake of a hand, saying " But that's not what the Bible says..."

Which is totally ridiculous. How do we know the Bible is correct? We don't, God knows how many times it has been translated, by whom, and being written by different people with different ideas at different times, it's hardly going to be 100% accurate. Not to mention all the gaffs in it!}

But yes, wrong or not, your approach was all wrong. Come back with some solid evidence, that makes logical sense and doesn't rely on my using my imagination, you've got yourself a debate :)

Nox0(1393) Disputed
1 point

In The Chronicles of Narnia book is well described London's tube system. Does it makes Narnia a real place?