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Debate Score:12
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Saurbaby(5581) pic

Is this a sign that I need to attention whore more?

I just realized something. There have been imposters of ChuckHades, Andy, Srom, even AwesomeDude!!!


Those are just the ones I can think of right off the top of my head. 

If no one has made an imposter, or mock account, of me, then that must mean that I need to attention whore more, right?


Side Score: 10

NO, please no more.

Side Score: 2
2 points

I love the title "attention whore." That is such a wonderful bit of politics. Yes, seeking the attention and, hopefully, the approval of your peers (in this case the random rabble on the internet) is inherent in human nature. Go out into the world and impose yourself on others like a good little human.

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes it would make you more of attention whore.

I just got back from camping. I have been gone for 3 days with no internet access.

Side: Yes
1 point

I wasn't aware ChuckHades had an impostor? And, I've never even heard of this "AwesomeDude" person???

Side: Yes
1 point

Lol, that mors guy claimed to be him once. lol

Side: Yes I_am_not_Srom1883_I_am_Chuckhades

He's also sent me some weird messages and tried to expose himself as me in random debates of others too.

Side: Yes
2 points

Oh yeah... I forgot about that... I guess you pissed off you know who so he used his fake against you... LOL

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes, please attention whore more. It is good for the site, I quite enjoy it, and it is super cool! Plus, I think there are some who stalk you on here (not like crazy...restraining order stalking), but good all in fun kind of stalking.

Side: Yes
Cynical(1948) Disputed
1 point

There's being relatively active, then there's attention whoring. They are two completely different things.

Side: NO, please no more.
1 point

They are, but they can be the same thing too. Depending on how you do both.

Side: NO, please no more.
1 point

The only way that it's especially good for the site is when I make a video I think X)

Otherwise I"m just goofing around.

You think that too, huh? >.> Yeah, I've used the jump feature on a few people and find them on my page often. I don't mind, it's just I didn't know if I was just imagining things. lol

Side: Yes
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