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Debate Score:16
Total Votes:18
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alstars(739) pic

Is violence an appropriate way to eradicate Terrorism?


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 8
2 points

While violence doesn't eliminate terrorist ideals, it's the only way to eliminate terrorists.

We must eradicate terrorists while creating proper ways to eradicate terrorism. It's a cancer that must be taken out by the source. Kill terrorist leaders; reeducate the citizens.

it's the only way.

Side: yes
alstars(739) Disputed
1 point

But if you kill the terrorists, they will get angry and attack the innocent people. and this will affect the stability of the state.

Side: No
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
1 point

In case you didn't notice, terrorists kill people REGARDLESS of whether they hurt them in any way or not.

9/11 was not a result of the war on terror.

Side: yes
1 point

Yes! Holy F*ing St yes! Retarded people (terrorists) don't understand talking and cooperation. They only understand violence! You can only show your superiority as the alpha male through violence! Not talking, not finding mutual ground, only through cold, heartless violence can people make an understanding. The one who comes out on top will triumph and the other will acknowledge the new alpha and submit. Right now terrorists are challenging our dominance, so we fight back with violence, a language they will understand, and we take back out alpha-male status!

Side: yes

Violence is the only way to get rid of them. It's kill or be killed and as soon as we turn our back on terrorists then they'll blow the sh*t out of us.

Side: yes
3 points

It's not even effective.

It breeds more terror and more hatred.

Side: No
1 point

i don't think so. Terrorists are also humans. We must have some consideration for them too. you see, we must destroy terrorism and not terrorists.

To do this, we must clean the hearts of th terrorists and make them normal men.

Side: No
1 point

This is a hard ass question.

Violence only begets more violence even though sometimes it is needed. However the problem with terrorism is that it's based on hatred, anger, frustration, ignorance etc. and people who feel like that are used as pawns to cause even more hatred, anger etc. etc. So if you go to Pakistan and start bombing people.. people will just use that to say their homeland is being attacked, not the terrorists there. No matter how effectively the terrorists get eliminated, without killing civilians etc. they will continue to thrive elsewhere and you can't go to war with every single country suspected of having a large terrorist population.

With that said it's their mentalities you have to change... they have to feel welcomed and not underthreat, they cannot be given an excuse to terrorise. The problem with today is they're feeling more and more secluded while at the same time told to mix. You don't actually have to give them anything (as that would justify terrorism), but you can make them feel they're being given a lot.

When Obama became president I know a lot of muslims thought it would mean a fresh start, Americans had turned another leaf and were willing to hear him out.

Side: No
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
1 point

Moderate Muslims, maybe. But Radical Muslims hate Obama just as much as they hate Bush.

1. They see him as a traitor to their people (with a muslim name, they see him as a muslim traitor)

2. They're angered by the ideal that America can be diverse. They try to get used to the idea that we're the White Devil, so when we have a black president with a muslim name, it makes them think we're belittling them.

Side: yes
1 point

Guys dont bring in political names here..

This is just for a safety instruction..

But if you see it as important, you may go ahead..

But i am not Responsible

Side: yes