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Clear as day Clear as day
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Clear as day (1)

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brontoraptor(28599) pic

It is clear as day that Fascists thought of themselves as left wing

Clear as day

Side Score: 1

Clear as day

Side Score: 2
1 point

It is clear as day that Fascists thought of themselves as left wing

Hello bront:

If I was a right winger, and all the bad people in our past were right wingers, I'd do my best, every day, to convince anybody that would listen, that I'm not like that..

But, you ARE.. Trump IS, too.. And we KNOW it.


Side: Clear as day
1 point

But, you ARE.. Trump IS, too.. And we KNOW it.

Trump isn't using violence to silence speech or trying to take your guns buddy. Could you tell me who is?

Right. They all quote Marx as followers. I hate Marx. I love the Jews. Trump made Jerusalem the Jews' capital. Libs didn't even show up for the ceremony. Not one...single...lib...

Marx hated Jews.

Wonder why your basic Conservative always loves Israel and your average lib hates Israel and supports Islam which is anti Jew...

Marx hated capitalism. Fascists hated Capitalism. Fascists attached themselves to Marx at the hip.

Care to explain it to me why I can't tell the difference between the left and Nazism lately, but can see clearly that the right defends the Jews and their homeland??

Hell, forget all of that. Convince me that people jabbering on about Socialism and hating capitalism are right wing. Start there. I'll wait.


Side: Clear as day
1 point

if I was a right winger, and all the bad people in our past were right wingers

Our bad past is flooded by the Democratic Party.🤣🤣🤣

Jim Crow, Japanese internment camps, slavery, the Trail of Tears...

Yes. I distance myself from that...

The Republican past is so squeaky clean comparably that the left has to try and pin a foreign non-Republican Socialist on us.


The world's bad past is flooded by people who loved Marx.

I don't have any need to prove anything. I can just open up a history book.

Side: Clear as day
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