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 Jersey City Democrat blames Jewish Landowners for Black Supremacist Mass Murder (7)

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Chinaman(3570) pic

Jersey City Democrat blames Jewish Landowners for Black Supremacist Mass Murder

 A local political leader Joan Terrell from the Jersey City Board of Education posted an angry tirade on an interfaith vigil accusing local Jews of the deadly attack.
Do you Democrats notice the color of the Democrat.
David Anderson and Francine Graham, members of the anti-Semitic and violent “Black Israelites” cult, were identified as the killers.
Then you have an African American attack the Jews and Jews want to vote Democrat.
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1 point

Democrats are the Anti Semite party and Joan Terrell Paige shows it.

2 points

Democrats are the Anti Semite party and Joan Terrell Paige shows it.

You're so full of shit. It is the Republicans who support the abuse of European colonists against Palestinian Semites in Israel. If you are going to accuse people of anti-Semitism, then it would be helpful for you to be educated enough to understand what a Semite actually is. Many of the Muslims you spend all day calling "mudslimes" are Semites.

SunTzuv2(52) Disputed
1 point

Hamas is the one orchestrating it, Israel is responding in defence. You do not know the full story.