
Debate Info

He is He is not
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 He is (3)

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shoutoutloud(4303) pic

Joe has been active on CD longer than anyone else

Okay, my previous debate '' Joe is the oldest user here'' was kind of a fail.   I shouldn't have phrased the title like that.   I would never say anyone is old of their age, lol.


What I meant to say was;  '' Is Joe the user on CD who has been active for the longest time''


He has been active for 6 years, and I can't find anyone else who tops that, not even Andy.

He is

Side Score: 5

He is not

Side Score: 0

I am.

For our Ebonics readers:

I iz.

I've been here longer than anyone else currently here.


Side: He is

Joe is here everyday because He has a well paying job that requires Him not to be away from His family.

Side: He is
1 point

he's almost always been around. when i left, when i returned. he was there every single time. and trolling. clever trolling.

there was this one time though, when he hadn't been around for a while. maybe about a week or so. i don't remember. but that was definitely when he lost his place on the weekly leaderboard.

Side: He is
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