
Debate Info

Yes, they have more chances to No, adults are just the same
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 Yes, they have more chances to (6)
 No, adults are just the same (2)

Debate Creator

kadady gabby(76) pic

Kids tend to be more active then adults

Yes, they have more chances to

Side Score: 6

No, adults are just the same

Side Score: 2

Yes, kids have more sports to join at school, and recreation teams. They tend to play a lot more at recess and ect..

Side: Yes, they have more chances to

Well that's 'cause they aren't in pain. Back pain, headaches, cramps, illness - you name it!

Side: Yes, they have more chances to
SMCdeBater(242) Disputed
1 point

Well, some are born in pain, most suffer in some form of pain in their lives.

Most kids suffer for only small periods of time, but a small amount of kids can go for a very long time in pain.

Side: No, adults are just the same
1 point

Tend to?

I say that most kids surely are more active than adults!

Think about it; schoolyard play, outdoor sports, indoor games, etc.

Adults do share in some of these activities, some actually turn activities such as indoor and outdoor sports into a profession. But on the whole, most kids generally are more active on a regular basis.

Side: Yes, they have more chances to
1 point

yes!hell yes!!children take part and also love to take part in experiments,sports etc.some adults may have back pain , knee it yourself,they are infinite![exaggeration]

Side: Yes, they have more chances to
1 point

They also naturally have more energy.

I'd like just half of the energy I had as a kid, I never wanted to sit still.

Side: Yes, they have more chances to

Yes, because kids are so young and hyper and they consume more sugar.

Side: Yes, they have more chances to

Find me a kid that plays video games for hours and I'll show you a kid that is not as active as some adults. Same goes for a couch potato and internet junkie kids ;)

Side: No, adults are just the same