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 Language and literacy development have a critical impact on cogntion and learning (2)

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aaalshamsi4(5) pic

Language and literacy development have a critical impact on cogntion and learning

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Sometimes a child is raised by wolves and they are far behind in development. Although it makes an entertaining story, these children never seem to catch up.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

The feral child phenomenon is usually the result of terrible abuse and neglect from a very young age. It is the result of a child being isolated from human contact beginning early and lasting for years. Some few situations have involved a child in the wild. Often they never acquire the ability to speak. On some occasions speech is developed but highly limited.

There has been speculation about the impact of mask mandates on very young children. The concern regards early childhood development of emotional recognition and language development when half of everyone's face is consistently covered. My daughter was born in late 2019. I was sure to never wear a mask at home while interacting with her. By the time she went to daycare, the caretakers mostly did not wear masks. She speaks very well for her age. If there is a broad negative impact on early childhood development, my daughter has avoided it.

chrisjohnso1(1) Disputed
1 point

I know new site which help people write article or another experience is a website that offers help for those who struggle with the essay structure, formatting, and different psychology topics. You can find all of our examples on our database, which includes essays about not only psychology but also other topics like technology and art. Whether you need inspiration or someone to write your paper for you, we're here to help!

Julesey(6) Clarified
1 point

Amarel was a feral child who was plucked from the bushes of his local forest by concerned militant Zionists, who rubbed his cheeky face and read him The Art of War at bedtime.