
Debate Info

Trump is a BUFFOON Trump can do no wrong
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 Trump is a BUFFOON (3)
 Trump can do no wrong (5)

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excon(18262) pic

Last week Trump was REBUKED by the Boy Scouts, the Pentagon and the police chiefs


Was it a good week for Trump?


Trump is a BUFFOON

Side Score: 3

Trump can do no wrong

Side Score: 9
3 points

Following Liberal logic is quite the circus act, but I'll give it a go....

So liberals think the police are a bunch of racist bastards who hate Trump (even though everyone knows it's bullshit). That's the new liberal narrative of the week...

Side: Trump can do no wrong
1 point

In what way was he rebuked?

Side: Trump can do no wrong

I watched a video of him speaking to the boy scouts and they were cheering like he was Michael Jackson.

But anyway. If he were rebuked by the police, liberals should be on his side, seeing that liberals hate those racist pigs.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Could you choose someone who wasn't considered a pedophile by many people when you compare to Trump please. That would be great.

Side: Trump is a BUFFOON
3 points

Cartman is a pedophile. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeell.... look who just joined that list.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
1 point

Whatever you say should be truth CON ROTFFLMMFAO ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Trump can do no wrong