
Debate Info

Guilty Not Guilty
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:11
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 Guilty (2)
 Not Guilty (5)

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MrsHum(7) pic

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Lennie: Guilty or Not Guilty?

Should Lennie Small be found guilty of murdering Curley's wife?


Side Score: 4

Not Guilty

Side Score: 5
Winning Side!
1 point

While he was a clinical retard and got provoked into it, the provocation wasn't even that severe because it was Curley who bullied Lennie, more than his wife. The entire provocation in no shape or form deserved the reaction, you can't say it was just an accident due to Lennie's strength, it was actually a repeated pattern that he'd done with animals on the farm (accidentally slaughtering puppies due to his strength). I have had a lot of thought about this and honestly Lennie's only redeeming quality was that he was so retarded that you had to forgive him for most of what he did wrong, overall he was a nasty person who blamed all his 'murderous mistakes' on accidents. You do know why they were leaving their old village right? Lennie had killed a woman in a red dress, in case you didn't understand the hints.

Side: Guilty
1 point

I have had a lot of thought about this and honestly Lenny's only redeeming quality was that he was so retarded that you had to forgive him for most of what he did wrong

So a bit like you then?

Side: Not Guilty
SunTzuv2(52) Clarified
1 point

Not at all, Lennie didn't even kill the right person. The person who deserved to be murdered was Curley, I know the story and what happened. Curley was a nasty piece of shit who bullied both his own wife and anyone on the Ranch that he felt intimidated by in any shape or form. His wife simply turned down Lennie's advances and was killed for it because Lennie shook her so violently hard for it that her neck snapped. It was a repeated thing he did to animals and to a woman from the place he and George had just run away from. Curley was a brutal villain but Lennie was no angel.

Side: Guilty
Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

Democrats are clinically retarded why else would they want Medicare for All.

Side: Guilty
SunTzuv2(52) Clarified
1 point

If you are poor and your loved ones get sick, you will realise why.

Side: Guilty

Should Lennie Small be found guilty of murdering Curley's wife?

No. It was just a mix up. It was actually Biggie Smalls, but someone in the press got their wires crossed.

Side: Not Guilty