
Debate Info

Yes, yes Shut that Native up
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Yes, yes (1)
 Shut that Native up (1)

Debate Creator

brontoraptor(28596) pic

Liberals would have to support Trump if he self identified as Barack Obama

Liberals would have to support Trump if he self identified as Barack Obama

I, Donald Trump, do now solemnly swear, that I self identify as Barack Obama, your Messiah God.

Hi guys. It's really me, Barack.

I only look like a White man, but on the inside? I'm a Hawaiian born, Indonesian raised cocaine addict. Now bow before me.



Oh but I am your President now hunny... Look... new self identify. 

Yes, yes

Side Score: 1

Shut that Native up

Side Score: 1

Sniff sniff sniff...

The libs will be avoiding this one like the plague.

Side: Yes, yes
1 point

Your stupidity never fails to amaze. You are literally the most pathetic imbecile on earth, you get your political views from memes and youtube videos. You are a laughing stock, but I am not laughing, I just feel sorry for you and all who must hear your bullshit narrative.

Side: Shut that Native up