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Looks like some of my crazy speculations about Osama Bin Laden may be correct

Recently following the killing of "suspected" senior member of Al Queda Osama Bin Laden i suggested that the operaton was a planned assination, i was subsequently denigrated and belittled for suggesting this, and other things. I openly admitted that i was speculating about the motives of the assination but nobody would except the reality that it was an assination, as i had no proof i had to admit as much. Also, being debated  was the Al Queda members role (notice how im not saying leader) in the 9/11 attacks, there is no doubt the man was heavily involved but what proof is there that he was the mastermind, another piont of contention was Bin Ladens role within the organisation, i claimed it was most likely a severly reduced role given that he was probably the most wanted man in the world.

I was told time and time again that i was a lunatic, fanatic, and that i was crazyily speculating based on inadequate information, and to be honest that isnt entirely untrue, the problem is that the people telling me these things (e.g. Bohemian, Enigmatic Man) were doing the very same thing, they just don't think they were, they beleive that the information provided by washington, and its associated intelligence groups, coupled with the proclamation's of Osama himslef should be treated as 100% unquestionable fact. I think the following article goes along way to refuting much of what was asserted by them:

Please come along and give me your own views on this article, whether you agree with any of it, disagree with all of it, or just dont know. My opinoin is that the article is as close to fact as can be obtained but im open to being challenged on that.

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"There appears to have been no attempt to apprehend the unarmed victim, as presumably could have been done by 79 commandos facing no opposition - except, they report, from his wife, also unarmed, who they shot in self-defense when she “lunged” at them (according to the White House)."

There was a dead or alive bounty on his head and a trial would have ended in the same way, and for all we know had we asked Pakistan to hand him over either Pakistan would have refused or Bin laden's men might have found some way to smuggle him. Now does that mean the killing of an unarmed person is right? No, and if you ask me I think the Seals went vigilante.

"he authors quote former West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, who “told German TV that the U.S. raid was 'quite clearly a violation of international law' and that bin Laden should have been detained and put on trial,” "

Actually oddly enough it didn't violate international law, a country suspected(with clear, unrefutable evidence) of being knowingly in possesion of a known terrorists and not detaining him/her losses its right to prevent outer intervention. That law can be twisted and is up for different perceptions of what it means, but when used in these contexts the case can be made and defended that it was a legal raid. If we can prove Pakistan knew(of which i have no doubt) that Bin Laden was there, we had every right to go get him. Again, i don't think that justified killing him but I also hold we had little other choices.

Side: Probably True But What The Hell

I will tentatively agree with most of this even though i am a little uneasy at how you are prtraying the incident, i dont think this was legal under international law, and to be honest you would have got him one way or the toehr trying toi defend the actions of the marines by saying Pakistan would have refused or that Al ueda would have smuggled him out is quite weak. Please give me your views on this interview if you get the chance to watch it, it features Terrik Ramandan a professor of comtemporary and oriental studies at Oxford University:

Side: Probably True But What The Hell
3 points

Don't think i'm defending the incident, I don't believe we should have killed him but I am as negative as people come and can't help but suspect the worst would have happened with any other outcome. I didn't say what i said to defend the marines, i just said it to portray my negativity on my governments ability to deal with such matters. And for some reason, the public library computer i am using won't let me watch the interview, it lists the site as a hate site for some odd reason.

Side: Probably True But What The Hell
1 point

Well, I'm not going to that article because I'm really not that interested... I will say this... You are a lunatic, that I know from first hand experience but I agree with you on several of these points. gasp!

First, I think it very well might have been an assassination... I don't really know and I don't think any of us will ever know for sure but I really don't care... I'm glad he's dead.

As for him being the mastermind behind 9/11... I don't ever remember our government saying he was... in fact as far as I know, they have always said that Khalid Shaikh Mohammed was the mastermind. I don't know if that's true or not but that has always been my understanding of what the government has put out.

As for OBL being the leader of Al Qaeda... I believe he was pre-9/11 but most likely wasn't for long after that. He was still the symbolic leader but that's all... I don't think Al Qaeda really has a single leader any more as the group is not that organized any more... The Yemeni branch of Al Qaeda, if that's what one wants to call it, is most likely the most dangerous now.

The death of bin Laden changes absolutely nothing... we are no safer nor any more vulnerable... it is simply symbolic and I'm glad he is dead.

Now, Gary, being Gary, will disagree with almost all of this even though it appears that I'm agreeing with him because that's what he does.

Side: Probably True But What The Hell

"First, I think it very well might have been an assassination.I don't really know and I don't think any of us will ever know for sure but I really don't care."

It was an assassination man, read the article, or look at the latest reports relating to what really went on if you dont want to read my article cause you're afraid what it may tell you. I will admit though at least your open minded enough to admit that many have as they dont want to have to question the actions of their government.

"I'm glad he's dead"

To be honest i kinda feel sorry for the guy, 50 navy seals invaded his home while he was with his wife and child they broke in and shot him (illegally) in the back of the head when he was completely unamred and not even dressed properly afterthey were resisted by only one man, i also want to say if the same happened to George W Bush i would feel the same way before you call me an extremist.

"As for him being the mastermind behind 9/11... I don't ever remember our government saying he was... in fact as far as I know, they have always said that Khalid Shaikh Mohammed was the mastermind. "

Ohh come off it Hellno you know fulll well thats what your media was espousing after 9/11 im not saying they didnt implicate others who were also involved but the primary justification for invading Afghanistan was to hunt the man responsible for 9/11 (or who they percieved as being responsible) Osama Bin Laden. Are you really going to make me dig up old american news reports that insinuate he was the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks cause you know as well as i do that most americans would not think this had they not been told to think it.

"As for OBL being the leader of Al Qaeda... I believe he was pre-9/11 but most likely wasn't for long after that. He was still the symbolic leader but that's all... I don't think Al Qaeda really has a single leader any more as the group is not that organized any more.."

To be honest i have to agree completely with every word of this, itgs exactly the opinion i hold on the matter.

"The death of bin Laden changes absolutely nothing... we are no safer nor any more vulnerable... it is simply symbolic and"

Again i agree completely i just wish more americans shared your view.

"Now, Gary, being Gary, will disagree with almost all of this even though it appears that I'm agreeing with him because that's what he does."

Guilty as charged, but ive pciked all the holes i can in this, to be honest theres far more here i agree with than disagree with.

Side: Probably True But What The Hell
1 point

read the article, or look at the latest reports relating to what really went on if you dont want to read my article cause you're afraid what it may tell you.

I'm not afraid of shit Gary... I don't care if it was an assassination... It would surprise me that Barry O'bama would have the balls to give the order but I'm fine with that if he did.

To be honest i kinda feel sorry for the guy

You would. *rolls eyes

i also want to say if the same happened to George W Bush i would feel the same way before you call me an extremist.

I don't even know what that is supposed to mean??? I wasn't a fan of W Bush???

Ohh come off it Hellno you know fulll well thats what your media was espousing after 9/11

Uhhh... The media may have in the months after 9/11 because they didn't know otherwise at the time... Google "mastermind of 9/11" Gary! KSM's name pops up everywhere and I know for a fact that FOX News has been calling him the mastermind for years now.

To be honest i have to agree completely with every word of this, itgs exactly the opinion i hold on the matter.

I just about fell off my chair! LOL

Side: Probably True But What The Hell
1 point

Gary, you are incapable of changing the topic and incapable of changing your mind. You are a fanatic. I really do tire of hearing the same drivel over and over again ad nauseam. Talk about something else for once.

Side: Probably True But What The Hell
garry77777(1775) Disputed
2 points

"Gary, you are incapable of changing the topic and incapable of changing your mind"

I do beleive it is you who intially decided to refute my claims so saying that i acn't change the topic is a little hypocrital given that from the very beginning ive been forced to defend my position from your scathing attacks.

"You are a fanatic"

Im not the one in another person country carrying a gun my friend. Im not the one who is likely to kill another human being for a false i ideal, you saying that to me is worth nothing.You can justify it all you want, tell yourself its all for your countries security and the somehow for the greater good but you are being decieved, to quote Joni Mitchell you're " caught in to devils bargain". I will openly admit my views are very very extreme and can be quite one sided at times but they are very malleable, they have been molded this way from reserching the kind of information that is purposely kept out of mainstream western media, andi have no doubt as i further educate myself they will change further, i base my beliefs on what i view to be morally right, and thats not going to change. I understand your position better than you think but thats all im going to say on the matter.

"I really do tire of hearing the same drivel over and over again ad nauseam."

Really then why did you feel the need to dipute my argument.

"Talk about something else for once."

Don't worry i plan to

Side: Probably True But What The Hell

BTW did you read the article it does contain in it reasonably substantive evidence that supports much of what you and Enigmatic may claimed made me a fanatic for supporting, i like to see you refute Noam Chomsky.

Side: Probably True But What The Hell
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
1 point

I don't call you a fanatic for WHAT you support, I call you a fanatic for HOW you support it. Argumentum ad nauseam.

I call you a fanatic because you only seem to be able to talk about one subject, and talk about it you do. You even manage to bring up that one topic in discussions which have nothing to do with it. Quite frankly it's a irritating. If I listen to you ramble any longer, my ears are going to bleed.

Side: Probably True But What The Hell

The Japanese have a saying, "The nail that sticks out, gets hammered."

That's why I try to keep a low profile ;)

Osama lived a high profile life and got what he deserved. He should have kept his mouth shut ;)

Side: Probably True But What The Hell
1 point

Joe, I am with you! Assassination or not, Osama got it, got it good and should have taken a different approach to this whole thing if he didn't want that target on the back of his head. He may not have been the matermind, but he sure as hell enjoyed the fact that th towers went down and that many people were killed. That is sick and wrong!

I am glad that part is over, but I know the fight will continue.

Side: Probably True But What The Hell
garry77777(1775) Disputed
1 point

I find this to be a very misguided and one sided view, first of all Osama (or any who fills his role) will succceed in killing as many people as america have in Iraq, and second of all american is supposed to stand for certain things but this is claer indication that it only stands for those principles when it suits. I refer you to the article and the interview bleow for further info. on these claims.

This one is about Osama death and mistruths we've been fed:

This is an artilce from a brave fearless defender of truth and a renowned journalist John Pilger on the real cost of the invasion of Iraq for the Iraqi people(please read i think you find it quite shocking but keep in mind its all true):

Side: Probably True But What The Hell
1 point

This is very similar to what happened to Julian Assange, he doesn't actually own/run Wikileaks at all, he just works with them. He then started to become the "Face of Wikileaks" and before you know it last we hear of him is that he's being arrested for rape in another country.

Side: Probably True But What The Hell

Isn't it an assassination by definition?


"to murder (a person, esp a public or political figure), usually by a surprise attack"

You could contest the word "murder", but such a potential argument seems fluffy and weak, for then no government could possibly "assassinate". Its a verb denoting a type of killing, whether or not its sanctioned by a government entity or not doesn't change the type of killing, only describes its acceptance. would better describe the word by using the word "kill", than by using the word "murder".

Side: Probably True But What The Hell

You're completely missing the piont, the piont is that it was a planned assassination from the get go, they never intented on capturing him, he could have been alone in the compund naked and on his knees begging for his lief and they would have still blown his head off.

Side: Probably True But What The Hell