
Debate Info

True. Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:28
Total Votes:28
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 True. (8)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (15)

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jolie(9810) pic

Male nipples should be censored.

Female nipples are censored.

Male nipples look like female nipples.


Side Score: 12

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 16
2 points

Or we can uncensor female nipples and let women go topless. Set the boobies free. Although, this may lead to the moral decay of America.

Side: True.
2 points

I would agree that there is some partiality in terms of censorship when addressing males and females. Though my hypothesis is that breast are considered a ‘private part’ given that it secretes milk, or more technically, has a bodily function involving the secretion of fluids, like the genitalia. This, in part, is why I believe that 'butts' are uncensored only except insofar as the anus is non-apparent.

Side: True.
2 points

the reason we censor nipples are because we believe them to be a part of something sexual and for possible reasons we censor nudity (

there isn't really a double standard as far as practical as male nipples are not seen as sexual, so there is no need to censor. if penis's were not censored and vagina's were or vice versa, then there would be a double standard.

Side: True.
2 points

The double standard involves the fact that women's nipples are sexualized and men's aren't. Pointing to one standard to say another related one doesn't exist doesn't do anything. Neither men's or women's nipples are inherently sexual, where penis' and vaginas are, which means both would involve double standards.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
Nomoturtle(857) Disputed
2 points

Neither men's or women's nipples are inherently sexual although true, something does not have to be inherent to be true, particularly where society is concerned. you can't deny that women's nipples are sexualised. men's are not (or at least as much)

The double standard involves the fact that women's nipples are sexualized and men's aren't

this would be a double standard if they had the potential to be equal. they do not. mens nipples do not have breasts under them, nor is pleasure derived from them. there is an actual difference here, not just something unfair conjured up against either gender.

Side: True.
1 point

Nobody cares. Almost nobody cares about female nipples. Nakedness doesn't bother me, never has. The only reason I cover up is I'm a fat old woman. I don't even want to see that!

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Should they censor old man beer bellies?

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

Definitely not hot guy abs though.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

No, that's just silly sexism. However, female nipples should be censored, and stay censored. There's nothing more grotesquely repugnant than saggy female boobs. Imagine trying to eat a meal close to a withered up old hag with her wrinkled 'thrupenny bits' drooping into her soup. Ahhh. The restaurant would have to provide blinkers and a sick bag for the other diners.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
Josh117(14) Disputed
1 point

True. But imagine all the attractive females walking around topless. This is a double edged sword.

Side: True.
1 point

The ugly outnumber the beautiful by a lot.

Side: True.