
Debate Info

Is Isn't
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 Is (4)
 Isn't (3)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Male privilege is a myth

A guy. A gal. Which gets drafted to go fight the Axis Powers?

A guy. A gal. Who will be paying for the meal? Who will be paying for the movie?

We know who. If that's privilege, I must be living in a an inside out, upside down universe.

Vegan Restaurant Charges Men 18% More Than Women


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 5
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How does this example prove that men are not generally advantaged in our current society?

Side: Isn't
Hootie(364) Clarified
1 point

How does this example prove that men are not generally advantaged in our current society?

Bronto is thinking about his ex-wife again and how she "ruined" his life. He gets angry about it right before he masturbates. We should be OK in ten minutes or so. He just needs to release some of that tension.

Side: Is
1 point

I don't actually have an ex-wife. I never married the mother of my children. But good of you to waggle the evil judgey libby waggle finger at things you know nothing about. Your Alinskyite leftistism suits you well buddy.

Would you like a mint? Oh, my mistake. That was your butt in my face and not your mouth. They smelt similar.

So let's review what Hootie will not be discussing today.

1)Why he agrees with all of Hitler's positions.

2)What he does for work, and how he got rich without "stealing other peoples' labor".

Care to address that my not so fine Commie buddy, or will you be taking a hard pass again?

Side: Is
1 point

How does this example prove that men are not generally advantaged in our current society?

Because fighting the wars, paying for all of the dates, and being charged more at stores isn't an advantage. It's a disadvantage.



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a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position.



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place in an unfavorable position in relation to someone or something else disadvantage

Side: Is
1 point

Since the draft isn't implemented anymore (and won't be, since ground-wars are a thing of the past), that means that fighting in wars is an active choice, "paying for all the dates" is an outdated norm that is being disregarded more and more by younger generations, and we are being charged more at ONE store in question. None of those are systemic disadvantages, and thus none of those counter nor undermine the validity of the advantages that we face, which are far more substantial.

Oh, and why are you phrasing it as if we as men pay more at stores generally? That seems dishonest to me.

Side: Isn't