
Debate Info

Activists not journalists Do the bidding of government
Debate Score:1
Total Votes:1
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 Activists not journalists (1)

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SteveTurley(23) pic

Media melting down after Musk fires FBI official at Twitter, but why?

Activists not journalists

Side Score: 1

Do the bidding of government

Side Score: 0
1 point

Media melting down after Musk fires FBI official at Twitter, but why?

Because the establishment consists of the world's billionaires, corporations, the media, the intelligence agencies, the government, the world health organization, social media, all of it. They walk in lock step together as one. This unholy machine now refers to anyone who opposes them as "far right", including any Democrat, leftist or Independent that dares to oppose them. When their media begins using the term "far right" as one together, you're about to get gaslighted by the billionaires they are built to protect. And if you are dumb enough to fall for the shit, you deserve to be owned by them as they pay no taxes but gladly tax you into an early grave.

Side: Activists not journalists
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