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Family values & morals Libs don't mate
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Family values & morals (2)

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Snow11(11) pic

Most couples with children are Conservative. Why?

Your family has a huge influence on your politics — whether you like it or not. It’s well established that the political values of parents hugely influences their children’s party affiliation. Now, a new study reveals that family influence goes beyond if your parents lean blue or red: It’s the size of a family — how many kids there are, as well as how many siblings you grow up with — that is positively correlated with how conservative your family values trend.

Family values & morals

Side Score: 4

Libs don't mate

Side Score: 0
2 points

Most couples with children are Conservative. Why?

Hello S:

Well, the obvious answer is they don't use contraceptives... One leads to the other.

You're welcome.


Side: Family values & morals
2 points

having a big family does not make one conservative. being conservative leads to one having big families. and children generally adopt the normative view of their parents, which perpetuates the reproductive habits associated with conservativism.

conservativism is generally accompanied by (organized) religious faith which dogmatically insists that reproduction is a duty to god. liberalism is more often accompanied by (non-organized) secular faith in humanism, which dogmatically discourages reproduction for ecological reasons.

Side: Family values & morals
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