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Debate Score:44
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Have you ever wondered who was active on the site? What they were doing?  What page they were viewing?

Your wait is over!  We have added the ability to see how many people are on the site and which registered users are active.  Plus, with the added “JUMP” feature, you can go directly to the page the user is viewing!


Who is Online 

Go ahead and give it a try!

Available on the home page, just above the leaderboard.


 A Big Thank you to SaurBaby08 for the idea!


Don’t forget, a click a day (on the ads) keeps the bill collector away!

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I love this feature!!! It makes me feel like a real life stalker ;)

1 point

HAHA! You won't believe this, but the first person I thought of after reading that was you...

I have a reputation to uphold and maintain ;)

I am so enjoying this new feature that I've been listening to this

over and over. I wonder if the Maker's Mark I'm drinking has anything to do with that ;)

Am I slurring my typed text?

1 point

I LOVE this new feature. Thanks so much Andy :) I always wanted to know who was online without going to EVERYONE'S profile. Good work ^_^

1 point

Anytime! I am happy to be adding the features the community values most. Do you like the "Jump" feature?

1 point

I'm iffy on the jump feature at the moment, but once I use it more I'll make a serious decision.

1 point

If my memory serves me right (which it never seems to when I actually need it ;) ), this was your suggestion!

Thanks! And thanks Andy!

1 point

Only half of it was, the showing who's online part, I never imagined the jump part. lol ^_^

Yay! I have the power ;)

OK so now we need our computers to DING when we get a new message ;)

2 points

Ok Joe, we are looking into an Instant Messaging client that would do just that. Butso far just looking!


Oh man..., this is so great! The possibilities!!! like..., for example..., You can message someone "Hey! Long time no see! How ya been? Wanna tag team Gary77777? Click the follow link next to my name under the Who is online section." ;)

2 points

"Wanna tag team Gary77777?"

This sounds a little too much like "wanna double team Gary77777?" for comfort, but, anytime buuuuudy!!!!!

I haven't been this excited about anything since the last time I took Viagra ;)

Let's see..., how many messages have I posted here so far?

1 point

Cool .

I been clicking three ads when I come one here now. Cool New Feature.

1 point

Thanks for your support! I really appreciate that everyone is willing to give a little back to help support the site.


I like it, its pretty sweet. Thanks!

Now I finally get to see all the lurkers :)

I'm curious, how does the jump feature work with tabs?

Is it the most recently loaded createdebate page they were on?

addltd(5144) Clarified
1 point

Great question. It should be the last page the user loaded. I have not experimented too much with it.


The jump feature gives a mysterious feeling when you know you and this other person are online on the same page at the current time.

The only downside to this is what if fifty people registered users are online. The page would look weird with a long column running down the page.

1 point

Yes, this is a great point. So far not too much of a problem...but, We are looking into an Instant Messaging client to allow you to select who you want to see and also, be alerted when they come online.


interesting, ok. :)

1 point

"Don’t forget, a click a day (on the ads) keeps the bill collector at away!"

Best slogan ever!

1 point

Thanks Axmeister...I had that at in there 'cause I was originally saying keep the bill collector at bay... Then I thought it would be best to change it to keep the bill collector away.


1 point

Great Andy! I love the new features !

2 points

Thank you Sir! I haven't seen you for some time. I hope you are well!


1 point

I go through phases but I won't ever leave... I'm still trying to get some more people to join.

Hellno(17753) Clarified
1 point

Hmmmm? Just one thing about the "jump" feature... I tried it a couple times and once it went to the asking a debate screen? Does that mean that person was in the process of creating a debate? Other times it just went to the home page...

Is there a way to make it just jump to the last debate the person posted on?

Hellno(17753) Clarified
1 point

One more thing... every time we "jump" it opens a new tab? Can we have it NOT do that?

addltd(5144) Clarified
1 point

Yes, wherever they are on the site. That is where it will take you. The nice part of it is you have an I dea of what they are looking at or responding to. I will think about the open a separate link or not. I like it opening in a new window, but I am not sure what everyone else thinks.


This website is going to be the best debate website ever!

2 points

Thanks Silas...I sure hope so too!!!!!!

Best regards,


I will click on your advertisements, but if anybody peruses my history and wonders why I wish to date "local cougars" (Cougars are not indigenous to the British Isles anyway), I shall be blaming you.

2 points

Dear Enigmaticman,

I have your back on this. I spent two years working in the British Isles back in the late 90's. I can attest to the fact that there are no cougars there.


1 point

this feature doesn't help me to attract people to

my debates, but I need it really, because this is my assignment to create hot discussion online, and deadline tomorrow. anyway, it is interesting idea to know who are online, and I hope it helps someone.thnx