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 Nom is salty that he couldn't checkmate me (5)

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SeverusSnape(172) pic

Nom is salty that he couldn't checkmate me

I wasn't cheating, I was just able to find a good angle.
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Let me know when you have time for a 30 minute one that way we can really think about our moves.

1 point

I wasn't cheating, I was just able to find a good angle.

I'm salty because you cheated. Your "good angle" narrative is stupid. I had systematically taken all of your pieces and was ten points ahead. I'm not impressed. You forget that I've been playing a long time. Long enough to notice when the quality of somebody's moves drastically increases.

If your intention was for me to respect you more for doing that then I'm afraid it has had entirely the opposite effect.

1 point

I know that I didn't cheat, if you think that I did you are objectively wrong even though I can't directly prove it. The truth is you were ahead but you got sloppy and left a huge opening that I exploited because you thought you had me beat. After everything you said about not getting caught up in your ego you are getting salty and can't believe I could ever get that close to raping your king in the butt hole. If you really think about it, it wasn't that hard to see how I found that opening as you made a literal novice mistake by putting your rook in that position with your king so that my knight could threaten both of them simultaneously. When I play chess I am not very good at thinking multiple moves ahead but I am good at reacting defensively and weaseling my way into places you don't expect me to go.

JamesDD(11) Disputed
1 point

The truth is you were ahead but you got sloppy and left a huge opening that I exploited because you thought you had me beat.

I wasn't just ahead. I was ten points ahead. I've seen people do the exact same thing dozens of times before on the exact same site, so I don't know who you think you're fooling. You were using a chess engine.

Two further nails in your coffin.

The site defaults matches to unrated. You specifically changed that to rated.

I messaged you and you could have communicated with me in private, but you instead chose to go public.

What you want is attention and some sort of faux glory. I strongly believe that you cheated and for that reason I have lost my respect for you.