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 None of the hypocrites on this site responded to why they care nothing for Downs babies. (12)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

None of the hypocrites on this site responded to why they care nothing for Downs babies.

All these pro LBGT progressives on this site telling us all how we are closed minded homophobic hatemongers and how we should be inclusive and tolerant of diversity and the special unique differences in people. But when it comes to children with Down Syndrome, these same hypocrites say nothing while doctors take tests of late term Babies to determine if they have Down Syndrome.
They do this so the mothers can choose to abort these special Babies and not subject the world to these special needs kids. After all, the Left wants only the smartest kids being born don't you know.
I laugh everytime I watch these hypocrites parading the special olympic children on TV, as if they actually cared.


I will keep asking it until you phonies answer. How would you like it if they found a test for uborn Babies showing if they were gay so that the mothers could abort them? Tell me why you say nothing to protect these late term Down syndrome Babies from the Downsphobic people on this site and in the world.
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7 points

Well, if they care nothing, then that means they care something... duh.

And, how can I respond when I'm banned? I'm starting to think FromWithin must be a Downs baby.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
3 points

That's an insult to Downs babies.

2 points

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None of the hypocrites on this site responded to why they care nothing for Downs babies.

Winning Position: None of the hypocrites on this site responded to why they care nothing for Downs babies.


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1 point

That's probably because this is the first time you are mentioning it.

IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
1 point

Actually I just checked, he went on a paragraph long straw-man rant about it five debates ago.

Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
1 point

It's amazing how if someone doesn't respond to a specific subject on one of his debates he makes a rant about it.

IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
2 points

It's actually a good system for him. He bans most people who disagree, then creates debates with ridiculous premises and decries the lack of responses as if it was a form of consent.

It's truly one of the most bizarre forms of confirmation bias that I have ever seen, but he seems to have the process down.

1 point

It's official. FromWithin has bombarded us with so much garbage that we can't handle him for more than 4 paragraphs.

I don't get why he feels the need to link everything back to gays and the LGBT community. He has a serious obsession with us it's weird.

1 point

Don't worry his obsessions change every week or so.

Lol very true. One week it's "prayer in school", then it's Muslims, then it's back to gays again and then something else

(double post)

I wasn't banned from the original debate like 10 seconds ago. Wtf ?

Nobody responds because youve fucking banned everyone you piece of shit. Is he actually this fucking retarded? You must be a downs baby you fucking dumbass