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 Obama Calls Trumpy "Unfit" to be President (5)

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Obama Calls Trumpy "Unfit" to be President

And I have to agree with our Command in Chief.  Trump is indeed the least qulaified man to ever run for POTUS, and if he were by some miracle to be elected, it would surely spell doom for all of us.

What say you?

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2 points

I'm not going to repeat all the usual arguments. You'd just need to read any major news source for that. What I will say is this:

Make no mistake, your father's and grandfather's Republicans would not only have nominated a different candidate than Trump but would have skewered him and held him up as an example of what is NOT Republican.

Furthermore, it's hard to think of any other developed nation where a clown like Trump could get anywhere close to winning top power. Heck, even our old Soviet bloc opponents would have kept him out of power. Why do you think Putin likes him? Because he makes us weak. In fact he makes us such a joke he indeed is already hurting the US image around the world.

Furthermore, it tells you something when even his super wealthy peers are speaking out against him as well as not donating to his campaign. Heck when a rich guy wants to give more giant tax breaks to the other rich guys yet they STILL don't line up behind him then you know there's something very wrong with him.

1 point

Other 1st world countries are laughing at the prospect of "The Donald" gaining power, but it also seems to have reminded us of that a large minority of Americans perpetuate their own stereotypes.

A bit like the kettle calling the pot black, no pun intended.

Not a fan of Obama, but he is right. Plenty of people on the Right have been saying similar things for some time now.

1 point

The most "Unfit" President is Barack Insane Obama. 8 years is enough proof of that. People are tired of listening to that lying idiot.