
Debate Info

Obama is a clown Obama is not a clown
Debate Score:15
Total Votes:16
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 Obama is a clown (10)
 Obama is not a clown (4)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Obama is a clown

Obama is a clown. He and his wife trashed Hillary Clinton in 2008, saying she was corrupt and "couldn't keep her own house straight". Now this clown wants us to believe she is God's gift to Earth?

Obama is a clown

Side Score: 10

Obama is not a clown

Side Score: 5

Here he (Obama) calls her (Hillary) a liar and a praiser of Ronald Reagan.

Side: Obama is a clown

Some clown!

For eight years he was the most powerful man in the world and had the leaders of most democratic nations hanging onto his every word.

He enjoyed being entertained by the Queen of England and most European nations fought to have him and his wife as their privileged guests.

He will retire on an enormous salary with a permanent bodyguard for the rest of his life.

That's the sort of clown I'd like to be.

Side: Obama is not a clown
1 point

He's a chimpanzee.

Side: Obama is not a clown
1 point

No. He's a clown. He told us in 2008 that she was unfit to babysit a cat. Now he wants us to believe she magically became a genius...

Side: Obama is a clown
nobodyknows(745) Disputed
1 point

I am obligated to inform you that your statement appears to be racially charged.

Side: Obama is not a clown
DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

Proof of Evolution at work ! The Democrat agrees man evolved from apes !

Side: Obama is a clown

Nobodyknows is suppressing my bronto rights and trying to suffocate my minority status.

Side: Obama is a clown
0 points

No, he's a politician. Just like the conservatives and Republicans from your side of the political aisle. In fact your side largely trashed Trump during this same election year until he got the nomination and the reversed to say let's rally behind him now. If Obama is a singular clown then the Republican Party is Barnum and Bailey Clown College.

Side: Obama is not a clown
1 point

Well I can be in your claimed circus or I can be a part of project Veritas like yourself. No thanks. I supported Trump when I had 17 options.

Side: Obama is a clown
1 point

Although I don't agree with you I can support that you have been consistent.

Side: Obama is a clown
1 point

Project Veritas- what liberals resort to if it's not going your way.

Side: Obama is a clown