
Debate Info

Debate Score:22
Total Votes:23
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 Okay, this bitch just down votes anything I post... (12)

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Hellno(17753) pic

Okay, this bitch just down votes anything I post...


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4 points

What right do you have to complain? Try having 5 pages of nothing but down-votes.

The only other time I've seen so many negative signs is when I get my bank statement.

Side: Ah poor thing
3 points

So nice to see you being up voted! You sure deserve this..

Side: Ah poor thing
2 points

LOL! No doubt about that... you are the king of the down votes!

Side: Ah poor thing
2 points

There are people who feel that if you say something that is not of the same ideology as them, then it's a "bad argument". Down voting is for bad arguments like "i like red, so GO BUSH!!!" or "Faggots are fags because they're fags".

Those arguments deserve down votes. Unfortunately, some dipshits like to down vote anything they disagree with. It's worse when they don't even explain how your argument is incoherent. They're pathetic and exact examples of morons who don't know what debate is all about.

Luckily, I don't give a shit about points since I've been here for so long and already have a lot more than most people here. As well, when people (like Casper) down vote everything they disagree with, they just lose points as well.

Side: fags
1 point

Don't worry about it.


I'm sure you will be compensated....

Side: fags
1 point

Don't worry, we'll fix it :D


Side: fags
1 point

I don't want to sound rude but i think that this is a waste of space. I mean, who cares if you get downvoted. It is just stupid points, right? It is not like losing your house or your car. Or your life. If you have good arguments, then that is what counts. I think there are stupid comments that gets high voted for no reason at all. Yes, getting high points mean you have a good argument. But that doesn't mean that anymore and thus, having a good arguments doesn't mean you get high points. And i think it is immature and rude of you to call someone a "bitch."

Hellno2012, i don't mean to be rude to you or hate you. But think about it. It is not worth to fight.

Side: fags
Hellno(17753) Disputed
2 points

The points don't matter... I don't lose points when they down vote, only they do... I just think an explanation is needed, otherwise they just look like cowards.

Side: fags
1 point

Don't worry about it babe they lose more than you, And you have a lot of people who do like what you say so will fix that problem.

Side: fags
1 point

Hey,she is losing her scores too.. Don't worry about! She is probably too jealous of your popularity! She'll get over it..

Side: fags
1 point

I'm not worried about it... I just think it's stupid. She's the one losing points, not me... but if she has a problem she should say what it is and stop being a coward.

Side: fags
2 points

Totally! So we all know who is the Loser! She is gonna see this one.. Won't she.. She'll know what everyone thinks of her cowardice..

Side: fags