
Debate Info

They're slaves to the state They're slaves to ideology
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 They're slaves to the state (1)
 They're slaves to ideology (1)

Debate Creator

Caspion(228) pic

Only liberals hate their own and refuse to allow them to defend themselves

They're slaves to the state

Side Score: 2

They're slaves to ideology

Side Score: 1
2 points

Only liberals hate their own and refuse to allow them to defend themselves

Hello C:

Me thinketh thou doth protest TOOO much.. This'll cheer you up.. It's always darkest before it goes completely black..

Bwa ha ha ha ha.


Side: They're slaves to the state
1 point

I'm WORSE than that! I own guns, always have, and I refuse to carry them to defend myself. It's worked so far, I let the police do THEIR job. I've been in some of the worlds most dangerous places, and, unless I was military, didn't actually NEED one. I don't know WHY conservatives are SOOO afraid. Of course, I don't watch FOX News, or Limbaugh or any other fear monger.

When I was a li'l tyke I saw some horror movies … they scared me! If I watched FOX too much, that would scare me too! It must be tough to be a FOX conservative …. :-(

Side: They're slaves to ideology