
Debate Info

Trump LIES Trump can DO no wrong
Debate Score:45
Total Votes:54
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 Trump LIES (12)
 Trump can DO no wrong (15)

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excon(18262) pic

Our INFRASTRUCTURE is BROKEN. Trump PROMISED to fix it. Do you believe him??


I travel..  At one time WE had the best railroads, the best highways, and the best airports..  Now, China does.. Dubai does.  South Korea does..

Can the strength and leadership of a country be JUDGED by how good its roads are??  I think so.  You?


Trump LIES

Side Score: 19

Trump can DO no wrong

Side Score: 26
2 points

His infrastructure money is likely being spent on his "wall" development. He will likely put a sign on the wall that will cost as much as a bridge repair! "The Donald Trump Memorial Wall" gold, with a detail of guards permanently protecting it! Scumbag!

Side: Trump LIES
1 point

Obama put us $20 trillion in debt. It only seems to matter who is doing the spending I see.

Side: Trump can DO no wrong
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

Now AL where did the 1.1 trillion go to fix any roads , bridges and schools as Obama said it would ? Did Obama's infrastructure bill really work ? If it did then could you show some of the accomplishments of the infrastructure bill Obama spent 1.1 trillion on ?

Side: Trump LIES
1 point

Oh, he'll fix it. He'll fix all the roads that go to his own properties. But the roads which go to his competitors can turn to rubble, and the roads which go to the heartland where his core supporters live will sit in ruin until shortly before he has to travel on them to ask again for their votes.

Side: Trump LIES
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

It is an amazing thing to watch as you Leftist deny reality. Barack Obama spent 1.1 trillion taxpayer dollars on infrastructure and what was done for roads,bridges and schools ?

Side: Trump LIES
-1 points

It is a wonder that Trump can tie his own shoe laces.

If he had not capitalized on the hate within the country, he would not have reached first base.

Global climate change will tax all infrastructure requirements and the U'S' is quite vulnerable.



Side: Trump LIES
1 point

STFU. Liberals are the most evil, vile and hateful people on the face of the planet. Give them a matchbook and they'll destroy the whole city with a smile.

Side: Trump can DO no wrong

Yes, we are well aware of how bad the roads are and how bad the violence is in liberal areas. These areas are more concerned with strangers from other lands than they are about their own people. But at least you brought in millions of foreigners to fill gangs with members and feel good about yourselves. Hopefully they don't mug your loved ones, rape them, or suck off of their tax dollars. That's how liberal "compassion" works. It tells the people here to screw off and welcomes anyone and everyone that is not here with open arms and welfare. Imagine if they had spent that money on roads and on the people that were already here. What an awesome country it might still be... most-countries-in-europe/

Side: Trump can DO no wrong
Atrag(5666) Disputed
2 points

Yes, we are well aware of how bad the roads are and how bad the violence is in liberal areas. These areas are more concerned with strangers from other lands than they are about their own people.

So just so I understand: you believe that roads quality is somehow related to violence, and both are worse in areas where there are more left wing than right wing and that this is because they are less concerned with immigrants than natives? Do you actually read back what you type? God, please give yourself a good hard slap. Stupid stupid boy.

Side: Trump LIES
Atrag(5666) Clarified
1 point

- less concerned with natives than immigrants

Side: Trump LIES
1 point

Liberal areas equals? violence.

Liberal areas equals? bad roads

Liberal areas equals? welfare abuse in overwhelming numbers

Yes, those are the statistics. Yes, those are the facts. I'm sorry you don't live in reality, but your delusion is your own problem. Of course as often as I prove you wrong, it seems that you'd stop coming after the beatdowns purposefully.

Side: Trump can DO no wrong
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Hello bront:

DUDE! Roads is spelled r-o-a-d-s... Violence ain't roads.. Try to focus..


Side: Trump LIES
1 point

So no rebuttal to my points about roads. I didn't figure. Fine, keep driving in potholes. My path to the store, Bricktown, and to the Chesapeake Arena is smooth and nice. uploads/2016/04/Building BHDSkyline940x375.jpg;=635963249390600000;=635963248882270000;=635989775372930000

Just don't be mad that we want to keep our part of the country nice and stable and don't want to hand welfare away like candy or hand over our territory to strangers who might want to kill us or use us. And don't be mad that we think our own families and kids' safety and futures come first.

Side: Trump can DO no wrong
1 point

Nevertheless, you are asking about Trump fixing the roads. My question is... Did Obama leave us any money to fix anything? $20 trillion in debt is a lot of money Con. When China is selling off your debt, that's a sign that getting loans to fix the basics may start getting sticky. My second question is... Is it an Indonesian way of thinking that America's infrastructure economically needed to take 20 steps back, ya know, just to right the 'wrongs of the past' and hurt the infidel?

Side: Trump can DO no wrong
1 point

CON why didn't Obama's 1.1 trillion infrastructure bill fix the roads , bridges and schools ?

What happened to the money ?

Side: Trump can DO no wrong

Our infrastructure is broken? Hmmmm.... wonder who broke it.... *

Side: Trump can DO no wrong