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 Please leave your Hurricane Sandy stories here (5)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Please leave your Hurricane Sandy stories here

You know...,

it's the same thing every year.

The east coast gets a little bad weather

and they get all the attention.


we've had our fair share of bad weather too.

Our lights went out yesterday and...,


here's a picture of the damage we have sustained.

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2 points

OMG! the deckchair fell over!!! Is your family ok? Do you have to stay in a hotel or something? What is your council doing to protect your deckchair next time the weather gets too bad?

See, I always say that we have better weather in Britain, our deckchairs stay upright.

Thanks for the concern. It was a little touch and go there for a second but we pulled through ;)

1 point

You have my sincerest condolences on your loss. I can understand that your family must be going through a very difficult period.

1 point

This is very callous and uncaring. People lost their lives and their homes because of this.