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Debate Score:5
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Saurbaby(5581) pic

Possible to have a good relationship with someone who has different religious beliefs?

Is it possible to have a successful, healthy relationship with someone who doesn't share your beliefs religiously speaking?


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 1
1 point

Possible? Sure. Anything is possible.

I know a married couple and one is VERY Christian and the other is VERY Atheist. They're old at this point, but they seem to get along fine (and their kids are good people, one of them was my prom date). :)

As well, it also depends on the religion. Like, a Jew and a Christian may not be able to get along, mainly because Jews steal souls from Christians.

Luckily, as an Atheist, I don't have a soul. So based on the info I have so far, I can date either a Christian or a Jew.

Side: yes

I agree with ThePyg in that it is quite possible, but I think only in some cases. Honestly I don't think a Satanist such as myself would be able to have a relationship with a devout Catholic...I mean we COULD, but it is highly unlikely.

Side: yes

Never know supreme, I happen to be related to a coupling of a Satanist man and a Catholic woman... both very devout in their own beliefs lol ;)

Side: yes

Very possible. I know many a happy married couple who both have a different faith. Doesn't mean it is easy for some people, but life is life and love is blind.

Side: yes
1 point

well, some religions state that u can't have a serious relationship with kids involved or a marriage based relationship with someone of a different religion. and sometimes when you have children, and the parents are of two different religions, it affects the which religion to follow or who is right and stuff...the couple might also have problems in their allot of religions are based on contradictory stuff. i dont think anyone is capable of letting go of their religion for the other one...though there are allot of people who do..anyway, it is so difficult to have a relationship with someone who has a different religious beliefs. But...nothing is impossible, there are allot of people willing to do anything for their lover..though i believe its really hard..

Side: No