
Debate Info

Pre Hand Visa Visa on Arrival
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:4
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 Pre Hand Visa (3)
 Visa on Arrival (1)

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AmritaKJ(96) pic

Pre hand Visa OR Visa on Arrival

Different countries have different VISA allowances rules and regulations. 

some allow entering the country and getting visa on arrival.

while some countries permit this luxury to limited nations, some countries completely disapprove visa on arrivala nd demand VISA to be granted in the travellers host country itself. 

there are many reasons and benefits about this VISA granting styles. which VISA grant do you think is more beneficial and has more advantages to it? which one has more drawbacks?

Pre Hand Visa

Side Score: 2

Visa on Arrival

Side Score: 1
1 point

According to me, pre hand visa should be provided as, it prevents problems caused by visa on arrival i.e. visa not provided by the country due to certain circumstances. It also saves one's time as everything is planned and no extra time is required also, additionally, the problems of not providing visa on arrival due to errors in the passport may waste both the time and money of a person..

Side: Pre Hand Visa
1 point

When it comes to the K1 visa process, it is important to consider two options: provisional visa and visa on arrival. In this context, it is important to understand the role a visa lawyer can play. An advance visa provides an opportunity for partners of US citizens planning marriage to reunite in the country. This process requires detailed preparation and documentation. Here it is important to pay attention to the role of an experienced visa lawyer, such as k1 visa lawyer. This specialist can provide valuable assistance in processing the necessary legal forms, preparing documents, and ensuring compliance with all requirements.

Side: Pre Hand Visa
0 points

Both exist now for reasons that seem appropriate for county to county migration and travel. Security, safety, and social wellbeing are the usual needs being filled by such policies. There is no reason to impose on, or criticize a country for doing what they feel is best for them. This is a non-issue.

Side: Pre Hand Visa
1 point

I may be unaware of many of the arguments for pre-hand Visas, but it seems to me that the set-up becomes considerably more involved for no real reason. On arrival Visas can be processed more rapidly and with less bureaucracy. With respect to screening incoming visitors, I should think that if someone does not immediately come up as a questionable visitor then a slightly more extensive check would not flag them either (or, if it would, any group coordinating the security threat would simply use people who would not be flagged going through such a check). Highly thorough checks, particularly for countries with high intake traffic, simply are not plausible even with a pre-hand Visa.

Side: Visa on Arrival