
Debate Info

Prostitution should be legal Prostitution should be illegal
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 Prostitution should be legal (7)
 Prostitution should be illegal (4)

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figgivuly(28) pic


Should prostitution be legal in all cases without restriction?

Prostitution should be legal

Side Score: 7

Prostitution should be illegal

Side Score: 4
1 point

Another benefit of legalizing prostitution resides in the ability to generate tax revenue. Once the applicant has successfully obtained licensing she may work at a brothel, enjoying legal income taxable at the appropriate rate. The average annual income of an employee at one Nevada brothel working only one week per month is at least $100,000 (Ayers). Based on this figure, each legally licensed sex worker would contribute more than $20,000 in federal income taxes per year.

Side: Prostitution should be legal

illegal prostitution is very beneficial to the corrupt system...just like illegal drugs.

id go into more detail, but would rather not

Side: Prostitution should be legal
1 point

I live in country where prostitution is legal and it has brought many benefits. It is easier to monitor illegal activities connected with the job and the government benefits from taxes. The girls benefit too as they can afford to get a mortgage, for example. They also don't need to get involved with dangerous types in order to earn more money and are very protected against anybody who wants to hurt them (take their money).

Side: Prostitution should be legal
1 point

prostitution should be legalized because the money they make could go to the congress and help the economy. so they could pay taxes!!!!

Side: Prostitution should be legal
1 point

Considering it is one of the oldest professions, and that it will probably never go away regardless if it's illegal... The law might as well accept it and share in the profits that can be made from it.

Being legal, the prostitutes can be better protected as well as their clients.

Also, if young boys wanting to become men were to go to prostitutes instead of trying to get into their 13-year-old girlfriend's pants, maybe there would be less teen pregnancy, less abortions, and less unwanted or uncared for children being born.

Side: Prostitution should be legal
Zombie_panda(3) Disputed
1 point

well I think legalizing prostitution increases having teen pregnancy and abortion. It will also bring up the percent of people having diseases. and even if its legalized its still human-trafficking.

Side: Prostitution should be illegal
vadia(48) Disputed
1 point

Professional prostitutes do not have sex without wearing condoms and if it was run as a business that would insure that less people get diseases. Why would teen pregnancy and abortion go up? I don't understand your argument at all.

Side: Prostitution should be legal

States can get much needed revenue through the legalization of State-controlled houses of prostitution.

Side: Prostitution should be legal

Prostitution should remain illegal because rick astley said so.

Side: Prostitution should be illegal
1 point

I think prostitution should be kept illegal because young teenagers, 13 years and up, and woman face rape, violence, and murder every single day they are involved in the prostitution. Also disease can be spreaders to so many clients.

Side: Prostitution should be illegal
1 point

One prostitute can may expose up to 630 clients to HIV or other bad diseases.

Side: Prostitution should be illegal