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 Religions (Manipulation) (4)

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Loyalty(7) pic

Religions (Manipulation)

Let's talk about manipulation today. I'll divide my thoughts in 3 parts. I'm doing this because I'm the type of a person that loves politics, history, philosophy and sociology. Also, because I have no games to play except tekkit/minecraft but no friends are online. 


First off, the best tool for manipulation is religion. If you're not aware of this yet, there you go. If somebody believes in something he will do everything to achieve that. I'll show you that below, in 2 separate parts (I was going to put 3, with Atheism. Changed my mind, though but you can tell how Atheists are manipulted). A big also has globalization and other kinds of manipulation but I'll give the focus on religion as it was the most important way of manipulating the humanity since its origins. 



- The biggest wave of its was in medieval - modern times. The biggest enemy of its was actually Jewish ethnicity or rather the whole Jewish nation. After they started to do medical and bank businesses the Church turned against them and named them "Judas". It's quite hard to explain the previous part in English since I'm not native englishman but alright. Basically, the Church turned the *true* Christians against Jews, which were, as we all know, hated and massively killed during the history. We could assume that the Christians were actually preforming genocide on them. 

After Muslims invaded Israel because Jerusalem is their holy city (So is Christian's and Jew's holy city) and to get it back. At this point the Church decided to take a part against that and declared the Holy wars. Crusaders and everyone else that went on the Holy wars were "Clean of sins on their path" which means they can do anything they want and if they were good believers there's nothing to worry about and they could steal anything, kill,... This is basically how the hate against Islam begun. 

Summary of how the Church manipulated with the Christans is that the Church wanted to get everything and take over the World (Told with modern words, The New World Order; I am not going to discuss New World Order in this thread because if I wanted to discuss it it'd require a whole new thread.) and they provided their people removal of sins on their doings so they were able to do anything they wanted, they were also promised to get to the Paradise, in Christianity, called Heaven. 



- Islam was quite small long time ago, however, its impact and size is increasing. I would call this Islamistic globalization. For a great example I'm going to provide you the facts from a book called Alamout, made by author from my very country, Vladimir Bartol. In the book it's really nice described how Hassan Ibn Sabba (Or as his people called him, Seiduna) manipulated his people. (The book talks about the war inside of the Islam). Basically he took the very elite of his soldiers and kids, put them in a school that had no tolerance to weak links. They were raised to top warriors, Feudalis (Never learned how to spell it, not even in my own language). The top of them were put (If you want to understand what I'm talking about right now you'll need to read the book, it has long story which I'm only summary here.) in paradise (The Alamout > It's an actual castle in Iran, I do believe, was devided in 2 parts, Paradise and so-called hell. The hell was just the regular castle, however, in book it says that the whole Alamout (Castle- Paradise, hell and the wall between. Sorry, don't know how to say its name in english.) was the religion in a nutshell. In hell, there were the soldiers and other people, in Paradise, there were Hurias (Yet again, don't know how to say it in english, basically the woman that live in paradise. However, these women were slaves of Ibn Sabba, he bought them and put in Paradise.). Let's go back to the elite of elite warriors. Ibn Sabba picked 3 top warriors, gave them hashish so they hallucinated. Then Ibn Sabba's slaves took them in the Paradise. Before the women in paradise were told what to do and how to make them believe that they got in the actual afterlife paradise. So, after they got back from that paradise (Pretty much it was the same way as how they got in there) they would do anything to get back in paradise. The only way to achieve this was to die. And that's how the assassins were born. And yes, their name comes after hashish. They were actually undead soldiers, totally loyal and they were not afraid of the death and that's why they were respected and, as in the book says, 1000 warriors were worth of 1 of the assassins. 


If anyone wants to debate me in anything else, feel free. 

If anyone wants to give me counterarguments about the topic, go ahead.

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1 point

I think that it is in the nature of religion to be inherently manipulative. As a dogmatic ideology, a set of religious beliefs is dependent upon manipulation to retain sway over a population of people against reason and facts. So really I have very little in way of argument against your thesis that religions have a manipulative history.

My curiosity rather lies with your observation that you nearly included atheism but chose not to. You hint that you think atheists are manipulated, but as an atheist I must confess that I see it rather differently. Perhaps I am blinded by my own adoption of the views of atheism, however it seems to me that far from being dogmatic it exists as a defiance of dogmatism by embracing reason and facts above belief. Certainly, I think there are individuals who have used atheistic belief to turn a personal profit but by the same token I do not see atheism as being inherently manipulative whereas religion seems to be such. I would be delighted if you were to share your thoughts on the matter.

Loyalty(7) Clarified
1 point

When I said that atheism is also a part of manipulation I meant science. I do believe the people that are religious and actually believe in the religion will not follow science, for example, let's take the "end of the world" situation that ran past on 21st. most of people that actually believe in it or that actually advertised the "end" were atheists. The real theists did not follow the whole situation or/and did not believe in it as their Holy books don't say anything about it. However, atheists did, not all, obviously and that's mainly because of science and they trust science too much. Therefore I can say that they're manipulated by it. Thanks for reply.

Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

most of people that actually believe in it or that actually advertised the "end" were atheists.

You say this based upon what evidence or reason? Quite honestly, I never met a soul who actually believed the end of the world was coming.

that's mainly because of science and they trust science too much

As far as science was concerned, there was never any scientific observation that the world was coming to an end but rather an archeological analysis of ancient Mayan predictions that a few loons took and ran off with. Given the historical trend of such loons being theistic, I am disinclined to take your assumption on your word. Those who did believe the end of the world was coming believed not in science or reason, but in an ancient prophesy (a.k.a theistic belief).

therefore I can say that they're manipulated by it.

There is a difference between trusting in the scientific process and trusting in science. Trusting in a rational process of analysis and deduction seems not at all to be manipulative, particularly as the process itself actively encourages questioning the results of the same.

1 point

All of the charges leveled against religion could be leveled against government. Plus Governments always manipulate BY FORCE sometimes religions don't

Governments are just the most powerful religious groups IMO

Sure, Religion can be a manipulation. A person has to make it a goal to have a strong mind to resist religion manipulating him.